I hate House Elves.

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Your Pov.
   "Who are you?" Harry asks quickly
  "Dobby, sir. Dobby the house elf." He spoke with a hopeful high pitched voice.
  "Not to be rude or anything, but this isn't a great time for us to have a house elf in our bedroom." I say looking around the room for somewhere to hid him just incase.
Dobby's eyes widen,
"Oh, oh yes ma'am, Dobby understands. It's just that Dobby has come to tell you, it is difficult sir. Dobby wonders where to begin." He rants.
"Why don't you sit down?" Harry says
Dobby looks at Harry in shock,
"Sit down? Sit-sit down?" He broke down into tears crying
Harry starts to panic trying to claim Dobby down, "Dobby shush! I'm sorry! I-I didn't mean to offend you or anything" I smile at the scene of my panicked brother and Adorable little house elf.
   "Offend Dobby? Dobby has heard of your greatness sir, but never has he been asked to sit down by a wizard, like an equal."
    "You  can't have met many decent Wizards then."
   "No, I haven't. That was an awful thing to say" he started to bang his head on our dresser.
  Harry quickly tries to stop him,
"Stop! Dobby! Dobby shush! Dobby please stop."
I man the door to make sure no one was coming to find out what the commotion was to here Uncle Vernon say,
"Oh don't mind that it's just the cat."
I turn to see Dobby punishing himself,
"Bad Dobby! Bad Dobby!"
Harry finally gets Dobby's to stop,
"Dobby stop! Are you alright?"
Dobby looks down,
"Dobby had to punish himself sir. Dobby almost spoke ill of his family sir."
I smile sadly and get down on his level,
"your family?" I ask
   Dobby nods,
  "The wizard family Dobby serves sir. Dobby is bound to serve one family forever. If they even knew Dobby was here...But Dobby had to come. Dobby has to protect Y/n and Harry Potter, to warn them. Y/n and Harry Potter must not go back to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry this year. There is a plot, a plot to make most terrible things happen."
"Dobby, can you tell us who is planning them? Or maybe what these terrible things are?"
Dobby seems to choke on his words and grabs a lamp and starts hitting himself with the it,
"Oh! Eggh! Keh! No!"
  "Shh... it's Ok, I understand you can't say. Dobby, Dobby. Put the lamp down."  I say trying to get him to claim down.
"Harry?!" I say asking for some help
"Give me the lamp! Dobby stop!" Harry says, I hear foot steps and judging from the amount of stomp it was Vernon, "Harry Vernon's coming!" He goes wide eyed and I open the cupboard door, "Get in there, and keep quiet." Harry says and as soon as we shut him in Uncle Vernon barges in, "What the devil are you doing up here?" He exclaims.
  "W-we were  just--" I hesitate reshutting the closet door as it re opened.
"You just ruined the punchline of my Japanese golfer joke!" He says angrily. I roll my eyes as we both apologize.
Uncle Vernon points a finger at us,
"One more sound along with one more eye roll and you'll wish you'd never been born. And fix that blasted door." He shuts the door as we say a 'yes sir'.
"See why we have got to go back?" Harry says as I let him out of the closet, "I don't belong here. I belong in your world, at Hogwarts. It's the only place I've got friends."
"Friends who don't even write to Harry Potter?" He asks
"Well I expect they've been...hang on, how do you know our friends haven't been writing to us?"
Dobby goes wide eyed realizing his mistakepulling our mail out from behind him
"Y/n and Harry Potter mustn't be angry with Dobby. Dobby hoped if Y/n and Harry Potter thought their friends had forgotten them, Y/n and Harry Potter might not want to go back to school sir."
Harry began to get more stern with Dobby, "Give me those, now." He says
"No! Ahh!" He screamed as I launched at him from behind. Then rushed down the stairs as quietly as possible.
"Dobby get back here!" I whisper yell I see the cake hovering in the air and my eyes go wide, I'm so awestruck by horror I gripped Harry's other sleeve of his blue jumper that he wasn't using to motion at Dobby.
   "Dobby please no." Harry says as my bottom lip quivered in fear. Not because of what our punishment might be, but because of the possibility I would never go back to Hogwarts.
"Y/n and Harry Potter must say he's not going back to school." Dobby's smirks slightly knowing that we can't refuse.
"We can't. Hogwarts is our home." We say
"Then Dobby must do it sir. For Y/n and Harry Potter's own good."
   "Dobby wait!" I whisper shout he stops for a minute looking at me with those big green eyes they had such innocence and hope, heh they almost reminded me of Harry's.
    "Doing this won't stop us from going to Hogwarts, but I know whatever danger is there. We can fight it Dobby. I promise you." Dobby looks down slightly sadly, but then puffs up his chest.
   "Dobby is sorry Y/n Potter, but still Dobby must try to stop Y/n and Harry Potter." He snaps his fingers and disappeared as the cake started to float toward the guests.
   Harry goes forward to try and grab the cake, but I hold him back, "they can't blame us if we're not around." I say he looks down slightly at me seeing as he grew taller and then says, "I still want to try." I face plam at my idiot of a brother and go back up stairs as he last thing I hear is  Uncle Vernon apologize saying, "I'm so sorry. It's my nephew, he's very disturbed. Meeting strangers upsets him. That's why I kept him upstairs."
   I feel my eye twitch, i hate house elves.

((1004 words!!!! Hey you guys sorry it's been so long I've been trying to write this chapter and I think I successfully did so!!! Anywho see you all in the next chapter!!!))

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