Fred and George- not??

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Your POV.
After class I sprinted down the halls to find Fred and George. I undid one of my buttons on my top as I walked into the room, it being more hot than necessary with the running around and fire. They normally could be found in the dark corner of the Gryffindor living space, I ran to it finding Lee Jordan keeping the seats warm with his homework in hand.
"Jordan, where are Fred and George?" I ask. Jordan looks up at me with slightly tinted cheeks.
"I don't know, why?" This was their thing when Fred and George were about to get into trouble and the main reason why they stuck to this corner. Being seen in it all the time gives the students the impression that's where you can find them, so when teachers come asking they tell them they're there. If they weren't there, Jordan kept up an act like a secretary to alert them and/or be an alibi. The twins really are two brains in one operation.
     "I want their help with that sleez-ball, Lockhart Who needs to be like his name and Locked up," I told him crossing my arms. A small part of me was beginning to think that maybe I was wrong to come to the twins about Lockhart, that maybe I should just forget about it all. However, he was an attention whore and needed to be punched in the gut- physically or mentally. Either way it was necessary to me.
   "Well, they're busy at the moment," I smirked at Jordan and sit on the arm of chair. I push my arms underneath my chest, crossing my legs, and let out a huff in disappointment. I look away for a moment and catch his eyes.
Got him. I thought to myself.
"Well, I reaaally wish they were here I needed some help with this ass of a man." I frowned at him and watch Jordan gulps. "What exactly are they so busy with?"
"Uh, stuff and things," his eyes try to maintain mine, but the poor boy has got his mind else where.
"I can't say," Jordan pulls back, but I pull him by the tie putting my mouth right by his ear. Thank god no one else was really in here or I would be so screwed by gossip then how would I get- no one actually never mind. Then again, I'm Y/n fucking Potter.
"Please, I gotta know. The suspense is killing me," I whined slightly like a child, but then Jordan fully pulled back and I let him. He crossed his arms and with a whisper of 'stay strong' he shut his eyes "looking" up at me.
   "Sorry, can't say. on my honor."
I rolled my eyes knowing he couldn't see and get off the chair.
"Alright, that's fair. I can just get the man with someone else," I shrug and walk away.
  My plan originally was to find out where they were and what they were doing so if they said no I could use black mail. I guess they taught Jordan to be better than that though.

"But, I'm not busy," he not so causally shrugs. I turn back and give him a once over. It wouldn't hurt to have their apprentice on my side, I give an appeased nod.

"Yeah, alright. However, we're going to need more than just us."

"Who else did you have in mind?"


"Absolutely not."

"Malfoy, pleaaase," After being let in by Sydney (Who of course approved of my mission) I went straight to the boy who no one would ever suspect, my future hus- i mean Draco Malfoy. Yeah, that one, shocked? Jordan didn't quite understand why I picked him, but respected my choice and decided to wait outside the room. As curious as he was, he "knew better than to enter enemy territory" in other words he got caught by a Slytherin sixth year during a prank on their house and is laying low.

"Y/n, no I am not wrecking my reputation on that idiotic man. What good will it do?" He shifts his attention from me and pretends to continue reading a book that I knew he wasn't even interested in.  If I knew anything about Malfoy though, it was that he just needed something to piss him off enough to do anything. Or to call his Father, which in this case would be the actual responsible thing to do. I wanted my own vengeance though on that creep, god only knows what tricks he has played on women or possible girls maybe slightly older than me that "are such big fans" and thought it was what they wanted. Maybe this was just me forming an excuse to want to wipe that smug look off his face though. Either way this prick needed karma.

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