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Hi my name is Asya but u can call me Ace. Im 5'6, I have blonde ombré dipped waist length hair, I have hazel eyes, and a dimple on my right cheek. Im skinny and I got a medium sized butt. I have a group wit my best friend Tyonna aka Tea. Our group name is A.T.G. Tea has long light brown hair when it's wet it's super curly, she's light skin,brown eyes, a killer smile, a beauty mark on the outside of her mouth,and a pretty great shape if u no what I mean "wink-wink" (tea was here)

Ace's P. O. V

I was on Twitter, then I saw a tweet that caught my eye

"Direct message us yalls KiK names and we will choose to KiK two random girls" -@mindlessbehavior

I scream and Tea screams too

Tea- y are we screaming

Me- go on twitter

Tea goes and screams.

Tea- we need to win this

Me- Ikr lets send in our names


So we send our names and I think hold up there is like a million girls that can win. I don't care anymore so I go on Wattpad and read my updated stories.

-30 mins later-

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