Hurt and in pain

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*2 week later* July 22

Ace's P. O. V

So my birthday's tomorrow and during these two weeks have been hectic. Me and Justin's relationship was going well. Prince and Tea's relationship is going good also. Tea's back in the house she stays with Prince and Ray stays in my room. I started to realize this uncanny resemblance of me and Roc. I still have these nightmares. But anyway it's 1:00 and I'm hungry. So I go downstairs and see Roc talking to some lady. They look at me.

Me-Roc who is these

Roc-my mom

Me-o nice to meet you

Mom-*looks shocked* it's finally good to see you after all these years. U are so beautiful

Me-what and thank you

Mom-I'm your mom

Me-Roc what is she talking about

Roc- well me and you are twins. When mom gave birth to us. Our dad took you and we've been looking for you for a long time.

Me-*tears up* what no my dad told me my mom didn't want me.

Mom-that's not true sweetie. I've been looking for you forever.

Me-why didn't you tell me this

Roc-I was nervous


Roc-I didn't think you would believe.

Me-well I don't know if I can believe you now. My mom didn't know me or want me and that's what I've known for 15 years of my life.

Roc- your dad told you that you have a twin brother and you looked for him. Well *points to himself* you found him

Me-just give me time to take this in.

I ran upstairs silently crying. I went into my room and saw Tea laying on her bed. She looks up at me. She runs toward me and sits me on the edge of my bed.

Tea-Ace what's wrong

Me-I just found out that Roc is my twin brother

Tea- what, wait I thought you would be happy about that.

Me-I'm happy about Roc being my brother it's just---*sighs*

Tea- what is it

Me- I just met my mom

Tea-that's great

Me-not really

Tea-why not

Me-because my dad told me that she never wanted me

Tea-Mayb he was lying

Me- Mayb but can we not talk about this.


Me-*hugs Tea* I'm so sorry. I didn't mean that you couldn't model I just wanted you to stop bailing on me to go to Tyra.

Tea-*hugs back* I understand and I'm sorry to. Best friends again

Me-*laughs* best friends again.

Soon All the boys come into the room and cheered. Me and Tea looked at each other confused.

Tea-we're y'all just---

Me-listening to our conversation

All the boys-ummm well yes.


Prod-we just didn't want you guys to argue again.

Tea- yea sure

We both get up and Tea goes to Prince and kisses him. I see Roc look hurt in the corner of my eye. I go hug him. He hugs back.

Roc-*whispers in my ear* I thought you were upset with me

Me-* whispers back* never your my twin brother I'm happy it's just I want to know the truth from dad.

Roc-*whispers* I know.

Me-*whispers* why are we still whispering

Roc-*laughs, whispers* I don't know

We both burst out laughing and everyone looks at us crazy.

Roc-well guys Ace now knows we are Twins

Prince,Prod,Ray-that's great.


Ray-how are you taking this

Me-well I'm slowly taking it in but I'm happy.

Prod-that's good.

Me-But anyways what are we doing today.

Tea-well me and Prince are going to go and get some things* then they run out the door.*

Me-ooooo k what about you two*points at Ray and Prod*

Ray-well me and Prod are going to go hang out bro time.

Me-ok then. What are you doing Roc.

Roc-I am going to go to sleep. Big day tomorrow

Me-alright then. I'm going to call Justin.

Roc-alright then.

The boys leave out. I call Justin and he doesn't answer. I call Justin 5 more times and they all go to Voicemail I go out the house and get in the car. I drive to the house and knock on the door. The door slowly creeps open.

Me-*yelling* Justin

I don't get an answer and all I hear is moaning. I try not to think the worst. I go upstairs and slowly open the door to his room. I see Justin having sex with STAR!!!!!!!

Me-*whimpers* Justin.

He turns around and looks shocked

Justin- Ace baby what are you doing here

Me-I called and you didn't answer and I wanted to hang out today. I guess you were busy.

Justin-I'm so sorry *coming towards me*

Me-please don't touch me

I run out the house while Justin was shouting my name. I go into the car and drove off. I got back to my house. I lock myself in the bathroom and cry. I call Ray Ray.

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