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Leah's Pov

"I never want to see you again do you understand? I want nothing to do with you. You screwed up too many times styles and I'm so done with you."

Anyone could see the hurt present in his eyes which were the color of grass in the spring. But he cheated on me, and I don't think I could ever forgive him for that.

"Leah wait please I can explain what was happening"

But truly there was no explanation to what he was doing. We were married, and had a beautiful daughter. He promised me on our wedding day he would never do a thing to hurt me, but some promises can't be kept.

I had just picked up our 10 month old daughter from day care, she was a female version of Harry except she had my icy blue eyes. I couldn't wait to see harry, we've been married for 1 1/2 years but I guess that meant nothing to him. He came back from tour today and I thought the two of us could go out to dinner at the restaurant where we first met. When I walked into our apartment it didn't seem like anything was out of the ordinary. But as I continued to search the apartment for Harry I saw a pair of bright red stilettos. I didn't own a pair like that. I knew something was up, so I brought my daughter up to her room and locked her door. I heard a girls voice saying

"Harry I love you so much, your wife doesn't deserve you."

I was absolutely pissed. Who did that girl think she was. What happened next felt like it was in slow motion. I opened the master bedroom door and there Harry was making out with some blonde. My heart shattered into a million pieces. I didn't break them up like a normal person who was being cheated on would. I simply walked out of the bedroom and slammed the door shut. Of course they probably stopped what they were doing, but that didn't matter. I was determined to leave as soon as I could. I unlocked my daughters room and packed a bag for her,

I'd get my stuff eventually. When I walked out of my daughter's room I see Harry who was standing in front of me and the blonde running out the front door.

He kept trying to explain to me what was happened, but he just stuttered and mumbled because he knew he couldn't explain himself.

"Harry I'll be back tomorrow to get my stuff, but I have one question."

And he of course was going to let me ask it. I'm pretty sure what I asked shocked him

"When can I sign the divorce papers?"

Then I walked out of the house and left my old life which I thought would be full of happiness behind.

When I first married him I didn't know that my life from that point on would be filled with heartbreak, despair, and lies.

woo this is my first fanfic, so tell me what you think! btw I make covers so if you want one just inbox me okay

- stylishstyles_

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