Friend (AU!Kars x Reader)

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Hello there!! Jyvy is back! ^^ Finally I have been writing this story for months and at last it finished XD

Just to let you guys know, I'll do the stories by turns. First, I'll write a story who requested in Wattpad; second in Archive of Our Own; third in Wattpad; fourth in Archive of Our Own; so on and so on

The fanart was drawn by raeoffrecord in Tumblr

And while I was writing this, I guessed that I have made Kars rather off from his personalities so let's make him an alternate universe (AU) version

Well I hope you guys enjoy this! ^^



Rome, November 22 1938

You exhaled a deep sigh as you drank a sip of hot [favorite hot drink], warming yourself in the cold night. You were staring outside through window, viewing a beautiful night view of the town, where you could see shining lights in the streets from the lamp posts, stores, and cars. Everyone was wearing some thick clothes to protect themselves from the cold, even yourself, even though you had a fireplace beside you.

You curved a poignant smile when you saw a male and a female outside the window walking together, the male gave her his scarf so the female‒who seemed like his girlfriend, so she couldn't get a cold. The girlfriend smiled to him and then hugged him, made you threw your glance on your paper which was put on the table at the front of you, couldn't bear to see the next romantic scene.

It wasn't because you hated romantic scenes‒you wanted to be in that scene. You were feeling really lonely. You were recently working alone as a newspaper writer in the city, leaving your family and friends back in their town. You've missed them so much, and hadn't heard any news from them for weeks.

When you were about to continue on your work, suddenly you heard a knock on the door. You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion. Who would come here in the middle of the night?

You put your pen on the table as you ran downstairs to greet the guest. You opened the front door, and noticed a tall man before you, who was wearing a long coat, dark gloves, dark boots and a fedora hat. However, he was wearing some kind of a head wrap which was covering his neck and most part of his head except for his face. He had violet eyes.

"Good evening, Sir, what can I help you?" you asked with a polite tone.

"Good evening. I want to know if you have the Stone of Aja," he answered with a polite tone. You furrowed your eyebrows.

"Pardon me, the stone of what?" you asked in confusion.

"The Stone of Aja. It's a small, red, rather triangle-shaped stone with a small cross on it. Do you have it?" he asked with his violet eyes were shining in determination, which for some reason made your heart beated loud. You closed your eyes, trying to imagine the physical appearance of the stone and collect some memories which included that stone. Then you stared at those small red eyes.

"Sorry that I don't have it, Sir," you answered. He gave a small nod.

"I see. Sorry for the disturbance. Good night," he said as he walked away from your narrow, two floored house which was squeezed by other buildings. You furrowed your eyebrows as you watched the tall figure was getting further from yours. You noticed that he didn't bring anything with him, nor even a bag of food. For some reason a feeling of anxiety grew inside you, and without considering your actions you ran to that stranger as you pulled his elbow.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2017 ⏰

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