Chapter 1: Tale of a 20 Piece Nuggetz

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"Ummm, yes I would like to order the large 20 piece McNugget combo meal with a large Hi-C Orange Lavaburst... light ice please." I said in my best white man voice I can imagine.

"So that'll be one 20 piece McNugget, one large fry, and one large Hi-C Orange Lavaburst soft drink? Will that be all today sir?" The intercom lady said.

She sounded young. Maybe 16 at the most? I don't know or care, I just want some nuggets.

"Yes ma'am that will be all, oh and can I have extra sweet and sour sauce " I said.

The term ma'am sounded odd rolling off my tongue towards someone in my age range, but I digress. I'll say anything to get my fix of the crispy goodness.

Just thinking about it sends chills down my spine.

"Alright sweetie pull up to the second window."

"Sweetie?" I whisper to myself as I put the car in gear. "Who the fuck still says sweetie?"

I whip my mom's car around the narrow roadway, slightly bumping the curb with the two left tires causing the car to become lightly scratched against the wall.

"GOD-MOTHERFUCKING-DAMMIT!" I yell out to nobody specific as I readjust the car back on the pavement.

As soon as I'm on the verge of being calmed I hear someone in the backseat.

"Nigga what the fuck you yelling for, shit ruined my whole fucking nap... bitch where the fuck we at?" she said wiping sleep from her eyes.

Damn, damn, damn. This groggy sleepy-eyed cunt woke up, and she already on some bullshit. I'm gonna keep calm though. But let her ask for one nugget, I'm gonna click.

"My bad Whitney," I say dryly "I just ran this damn car on the curb and I think I scratched the left side up trying to get in this fucking McDonald's."

"Yo fat non-driving ass always fucking some shit up." She said laughing at me.

That's strike one bitch.

"Man shut up, you know how narrow all these McDonald drive-thru's be. They need to get them wider because I'll sue if I get in a real wreck over here." I say while rolling down my window to recieve my order.

"How they suppose to expect yo wide ass to come rolling through here! This shit is wide enough for you shit. You just can't drive with those big grubby ass hands. Yo stomach almost driving the car for yo ass!" She says while laughing.

Stank bitch that's the second time you pissed me off and you haven't been up 3 minutes. I'm gonna kick yo ass out keep playing.

I brush away all the negative thoughts as I realize my prays have been answered. I have received nuggets.

I park my car, but as soon as I'm about to dig in I hear a slut in my right ear. Just breathing all husky, like she just got some good dick.

"Oh shit" I think to myself

"Bitch" Whitney starts off.

Don't do it slut.

"Lemme-" she continues.

This cunt must not want a ride. If she don't shut those dick suckers up.

"-just get one nugget, please" she finishes opening her eyes wide, as if she's a puppy.

I open a packet of sweet and sour sauce and place the container in my lap. I reach to the passenger seat to grab a nugget to commence the dipping.

I dip the nugget continuously, while staring at this... thing. She asked for one of my nuggets. She has to walk.

"Get out." I say with a blank face while handing her the nugget.

"What you mean" she says popping the nugget in her mouth like popcorn.

Greedy bitch

I unlock the doors of my moms car and bwgin to repeat myself.

"Get the fuck out the car!"

I freeze as I hear a click on the left side of me, and my driver door open.

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