Let's Elope: Part 1

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September 28th, 2014. Today marks my 16th birthday and I’m dreading it. My mother and father betrothed me to a young boy when I was six years old. It’s been ten years since I last saw the boy, and I am rather curious to see him now. However I am not ready to be married to a boy that I don’t even know or remember at all. Now I wish I knew what my parents were up to back then and it’s already too late to change that.

I have never really been interested in boys so romance isn’t a really big part in my life. Well until two years ago, I was opened to the world of boys by my mother. Even though I’ve never been able to actually experience romance and being in love, I always had romance movies with me to watch, laugh and cry with.

I’m not interested in anyone currently, but maybe I will, someday. Well, I’d better start getting ready for my own birthday party or mother will have a fit and lecture me for eternity.

As usual, mother has prepared a magnificent dress for me to wear to my many birthdays to come. It’s quite sunny too, in London, so I guess I’ll have my hair into a bun.

I start to put on my red dress that is lined with small white rose patterns on the bottom of my dress ending at my calf. There are also mini light pink roses adorning my waist belt. Very cute, but I’d have prefered something plain. A pink blouse and black cardigan and skirt would have sufficed.

When I am almost ready putting on my party attire, my maid brings me a pair of jet black boots with high heels that go well with my attire. I may be just a little shorter than normal people, but I’m an okay height for my age. I’m about 4 feet and 11 inches tall; with these heels I’m 5’1, I think.

My hair dresser, as expected, does my hair beautifully with a few braids in my bun and some loose blond curls, tucked behind my ears. I wear little makeup; however, my mom insists on me wearing at least mascara and eyeliner with a tad of foundation around my nose and red lipstick since I have pale skin. I’m finally done getting ready for my party. I think I’ll head down to the ballroom and greet my guests then.

Before I can go even one foot, a long and strong, yet gentle arm swiftly takes hold of my left arm. I turn around to face the person whose hand is gently holding my hand. It is a young man who looks about my age.

“Pardon me, Lady Elizabeth, but I’ve come to escort you to your ball,” says the mysterious man who claims to be my escort.

“Excuse me, but I don’t believe I know you or have seen you in this mansion before, have I?”

“Haha, well I don’t believe so, Lady Elizabeth; however we’ve met quite a long time ago in this very mansion when we were young,” says the young man.

“Oh have we now...umm -”

“Charles, my name is Charles Velnn Lucas, Lady Elizabeth De Guise,” says Charles.

“Oh well then Charles, you wouldn’t happen to be the son of Katherine and Matthew Velnn Lucas, would you?”

“Indeed, Katherine and Matthew are my parents, and you needn’t be polite with formalities and say my full name or my title either. Call me Charles,” he says.

“Then you needn’t say my full name or title either, Charles. You may call address me as Elizabeth or Eliza, if you please.”

“Very well then, I shall address you as Eliza. We still have quite a bit of time left before your big entrance to the ball, so shall we talk more?”

“I guess we shall talk more since we appear to have quite a bit of time left, Charles. Do you have anything in particular you would like to chat about?”

“Hmm...for a start, you look very adorable and magnificent in your ball attire. Even wearing little make up, makes you very stunning.” comments Charles.

“Why, thank you, Charles, your attire makes you very charming as well as the calming aura you give off when you speak.”

“Thank you Eliza,” says Charles chuckling gratefully.

“Well then, what shall we talk about now besides our attire?

“Might I suggest we talk about ourselves for a little while?” suggests Charles.

“I guess we shall then, who should go first?”

“Ahh….I believe it should be ladies first as you are a young lady, Eliza.”

“Indeed, you are correct Charles, then shall I start?”

“You may start as you wish anytime Eliza,” replies Charles.

“Very well then, as you know, I am a sixteen year old girl named Elizabeth De Guise who is the only daughter of Mary and Francis De Guise and young heiress to De Guise Tea and Cake Enterprises.”

"Eliza, it is not my intention to be rude or anything of the sort, I mean some things that most or some people know, as in favorite color(s), food(s), beverage(s), animal(s), flower(s), etc.”

“Ohh...my apologies, Charles.”

Charles chuckles before stating,

“There is no need for apologies, Eliza, it is I who must apologize for not being elaborate, and for that, I apologize.”

“But Charles, it is I, who need apologize, I should have asked you what you wanted to know.”

“Shall we perhaps accept each other’s apologies and start over with talking about each ourselves Eliza?” offers Charles.

“I guess we shall then, Charles.”

Both Eliza and Charles then hear the sound of bells signifying for Eliza's arrival to the ballroom.

“I believe the call of the bells are for you to enter the ballroom, Eliza,” says Charles.

As the ballroom door opens to a straight staircase, Charles offers me his arm and we head slowly downstairs.The performing orchestra’s music comes to a halt as my parents stand on the altar applauding the entrance with unusual smiling faces. When Charles escorts me to the altar where my parents are, my father announces that it is my sixteenth birthday.

“Ladies and gentleman, today is the day of my lovely Elizabeth De Guise’s sixteenth birthday. The age where she is almost ready for marriage. When Eliza was a young girl, my wife and I betrothed her at the age of six. It has been a decade since then, and we’ve decided to introduce Eliza to her fiance. The young man standing to my right, Charles Velnn Lucas, son of Katherine and Matthew Velnn Lucas is to wed my daughter two years and a week from now. Let us all wish them happiness and wellness forever!”

The audience then bursts out into a thunderous applaud and music beginning to play.

Unfortunately, I did not forsee that my escort was to be my future husband. For what seemed like a very long moment, I stand still, motionless, while the guests eagerly congratulated me and Charles on our engagement. Charles does not seem very fazed by my father’s announcement. He stands by me and continues thanking our guests for coming. Then he swiftly takes my hand and leads me outside the ballroom into my room out onto the balcony for some fresh air.

“Elizabeth, if you can hear me, I want you to close your eyes for me.” Charles calmly says.

I slowly do what Charles asks and close my eyes. White spots begin to fill my vision as I let them consume me, letting me unconscious to collapse in the arms to Charles with a soft thud.

“I’m sorry Eliza….I’ll go tell our parents you are exhausted from your ball, I’ll carry you to your bed chambers as well, rest well….”

                ~To be continued~

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2017 ⏰

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