My Life Sucks

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Hey guys!!!! I hope you enjoy my book!! Message me with any questions you may have or suggestions!!!
- Brebre
Chapter 1

"I'm sorry Emily but we're gonna have to let you go..." stated my now ex boss. I felt a lump quickly form in my throat and tears immediately prickle the corners of my eyes.
"W-What? Your-your firing me?" I somehow managed to utter out.
"I'm sorry Emily, but we've recently gone through some tough times. I'm really sorry but we won't be able to keep you any longer" I shook my head in disbelief.
"But I've worked here for over 2 years?" I stated incredulously.
"I'm s-"
"You know what? It's fine." I quickly stated cutting him off. He stared at me for a moment.
"Are you sure Emily? You look.."
"Oh no. I'm fine.I'm sure. " I stated calmly. My fingers fumbling to grasp my bag. Not wanting to see the pity in his eyes, I quickly stood up and headed towards the door. My heels causing my exit to be somewhat slower and less dramatic as I'd hoped it be. My hands struggled to grasp the sleek metal door knob as I tried to exit the glass office. I could feel there pitiful eyes boring holes into the back of my skull as tears silently rolled down my cheeks. Before I could struggle any longer someone quickly grabbed the door knob and pushed it open. I thanked them silently as I headed out the door way. Great. The person that opened the door for me most likely didn't want me to look like the bigger idiot, that I already was. I thought to myself as I stormed down the empty hallway.

I finally managed to exit my wor- excuse me, my ex-work office after crying like a baby in the small office bathroom for about 10 minutes. As I entered the parking lot, I quickly jumped into my old beat up white Honda Civic and started the engine.

As I drove down the street towards my small New York apartment, tears once again flooded my eyes. The reality of losing my dream job finally crashing in. The late nights, the missed family gatherings, all my hard work, all for nothing. The sadness quickly washing over me like a wave. I quickly parked my car and ran into my apartment fearing the neighbors might call the police after seeing a bigfoot look-alike crying in her beatup car.

Entering her home, the scent of vanilla instantly flooded her senses . Emily immediately smiled, remember all those good times that she had had in this small apartment. With just two bedrooms, living room, kitchen, and bathroom, Emily and her roommate Jess had sure made the most of it. Remembering her lost job, tears immediately started to reappear. Why can't something good just happen for once? She questioned her brain. My life literally sucks.

I was quickly brought out of my daze by the large body that unceremoniously crashed into my side.
"Oh my god! I'm so sorry Em" my supposed date James slurred out.
"It's fine." I replied with a grunt, slowly distancing myself away from the drunkard. After I got home I laid on my couch for hours crying and eating ice cream until my roommate Jess came home and found me with my makeup smeared, in pajamas watching Spongebob. After interrogating me furiously, Jess came up with this grand idea to get me out of my stupor. In just a few hours she had managed to convince me to go out with her and some friends for New Year's Eve in Times Square. She had also somehow managed to set me up with one of her friends on some sort of date. I cringed as my decision, regretting ever to having agreed to this date. I recoiled in disgust as James for the third time this night slapped my butt. During our supposed date since I did not return the casual banter, James opted out for something a little more enticing. So here I was walking through Times Square with some guy I didn't even know who was so out of it he could barely walk straight. I quickly turned around scanning the bustle of New Year's Eve goers for a familiar mop of blond hair. Spotting my roommate, I quickly made a b-line in her direction. She was not to far from me, but I could see that she was obviously caught up with talking to some random guy. Thanks for ditching me, I though silently. I sighed and looked around for James but couldn't seem to find him over the large crowd of fellow New Year's Eve goers. Their large hats and trinkets preventing me from seeing over them. I sighed and turned around only to have lost Jess as well. I sighed again and decided to just stroll through Times Square by myself. I don't need Jess to have fun. Screw them! I'll have fun on my own! At least so I can finally stop thinking about that stupid job. With a new found determination,I spearheaded my way through the crowd. Only stopping as I bumped into a large figure. I was about to fall backwards before one large arm wrapped around my waist and pulled me towards their chest. I gasped slightly as the scent of vanilla and something a little musky and spicy invaded my nose. I suddenly pushed the large figure away from me remembering that I was practically sniffing a stranger. Startled by my push the large figure wrapped his arms around my waist tightly and I felt his body head towards the ground. I quickly shut my eyes, in fear of hitting the ground with him, only to receive a light grunt. Opening my eyes to see what stopped me from hitting the ground, I was immediately greeted by a pair of warm green eyes. I gasped, shocked as my eyes remained locked on the man's infront of me. His eyes stared deep into mine before I felt them roam over my face. I blushed slightly but became bold As my eyes slowly began to drift along his face. He had beautiful green eyes that I could stare at forever with amazingly shaped eyebrows. His skin was a smooth tanish cream color with a few freckled here and there. My eyes slowly raked down his face towards his lips. As soon as I saw his lips I could feel my hormones start to do cartwheels. His lips were absolutely sexy. They were pink and smooth with a small freckle just above the upper right hand corner of his lips. Obviously noticing me checking him out, a deep chuckle slowly escaped his lips exposing a beautiful set of pearly whites. I mean, could this guy get any hotter?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2017 ⏰

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