Chapter nineteen

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Phew 16 pages in word, enjoy!!!

 i'm so excited i feel like the real storyline's about to begin! (:

 As soon as i stepped out of Beck's car at school i spotted Lewis locking his own over in the teachers parking lot, i caught his eye and smiled at him, he smiled back and i saw his eyes start to scan down my body.  I stood confidently with my hand on my hip waiting for him to finish his unsubtle assesment, today was scorching so i was wearing high waisted hot pants showing off my long legs a tank top and wedges, he finally met my eyes again and sent me an approving wink.  I tried my hardest to brush it off cockily like i usually would but thoughts of the weekend refused to be silenced in my mind causing me to blush deeply.  This must have pleased Lewis because i saw him chuckle and turn to walk off into the school.

"Woah, that was intense" Beck's commented as we hurried to follow him through the maze of cars.

"Mmhmm" i replied vaguely, staring at his cute butt in front of me.

Becks giggled, obviously noticing that my eyes were glued to my incredibly hot boyfriends ass.

"Helloooo, earth to Kelly" she cooed.

"Shh, busy perving" i grinned now admiring his muscled arms straining against the fabric of his shirt, blue really was a good colour for him, then again he looked good in any colour.

Becks was still laughing when we reached the building, Lewis hung back to open the door for us, who said chivalry was dead?

"Thanks Mr. H" Becks chirped walking through the door.

"Yeah thanks sir" i said flirtily, subtly brushing against him as i walked through the doorway after Becks, catching a whiff of his intoxicating scent.

"Your welcome" He grinned "Oh and Miss. Walden" He called out after me.

"Yeah?" i turned

"Detention, lunchtime" he smirked.

"why?" i cried, i'd been planning on catching up with Marley at lunch, it feels like i havn't seen him in ages!

"The way you were admiring me outside, it was highly inapropriate" He grinned shaking his head in mock dissaproval.

Jesus, does this guy have eyes in the back of his head?  As for 'highly innapropriate' he didn't seem to think so when i was bouncing on his dick not 24 hours ago, i thought smugly.

I rolled my eyes unable to fight the smile that was tugging on my lips before turning away to catch up with Becks.  I couldn't be moody today, no matter what happened. Besides, being forced to spend lunch with my gorgeous man was definiteley something i could live with.


"Your a dick" i sighed as i dumped my bag behind Lewis' desk.

[OLD VERSION] G.S.M Restricted Scenes (student/teacher)Where stories live. Discover now