He Sings To You

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Louis | Age 1

Louis had just got settled in his own bed. Oh, but you were just getting up. Louis' shower woke you up and you were now wide awake. You stood up in your crib, and simply screamed at the top of your lungs and bounced up and down.

Louis sighed and cursed under his breath before throwing the freshly made sheets off of him. He came in, wincing from all the noise you were making.

"Okay, okay. What's wrong?" He asked as he picked you up, leaning against the crib. "Pay," you said simply. You couldn't speak well, but Louis sighed, knowing exactly what you meant. "Y/N, it's 11:56 at night. We aren't playing right now." You whined and squirmed as he tried to put you back down. "Nooo!" You screeched, sitting right back up.

"Ugh, fine you little brat," he teased as you giggled. He carried you into the living room and sat in the big recliner. He adjusted you on his chest where you already became sleepy again. You clutched your blanket (and his shirt at the same time) and sucked your pacifier like your life depended on it.

"Your hand fits in mine like it's made just for me," he began to sing. The rocking of the chair and the angelic voice of your brother sent you off into a dreamless sleep.

Niall | Age 3

You were cuddled up watching a movie alone on the couch while Niall was busy making management calls. You knew better than to bother him. You always watched a movie before you took a nap, but today you didn't get cuddles before your nap so you weren't budging.

You whined, hoping to get his attention and he looked away from the table where he was. You looked at him pleadingly and he put a finger up. The call was shortly over and he put the phone down and came over to you, lifting you on his hip.

"What's wrong, babes?" He asked as he patted your bum. "No cuddles, no nap," you said sassily. He chuckled a bit. "Alright then, c'mon." You settled back down on the couch and snuggled into him.

"I want to write you a song," he started. By the second verse, you were conked out. Cuddles and songs always do the trick.

Liam | Age 4

Liam was watching you play outside while he sat on the porch swing. You found a rock that fascinated you, and being the caring little girl you were, decided to give it to your big brother. "Li! I got you a present!" You beamed.

He chuckled and sat up a little so his elbows rested on his knees. You were so excited, you weren't paying attention to what you were doing and missed the last step of the porch, sliding back down all of them and landing on the pavement. "Shit," Liam mumbled as he scrambled over to you. The pain had kicked in now, and you were bawling. He scooped you up and took you inside to clean your now scraped elbow and chin up.

He cleaned and kissed all your scrapes, but you were still upset. "Oh babe, I know. You just were a bit too excited, huh? It's okay," he said as he pressed your head to his shoulder. Your tears turned his bright red t-shirt a burgundy color.

"Down to earth, keep on falling when I know it hurts," he softly sang into your ear. Soon, the tears stopped and you went back outside to find the rock you'd lost during the fall.

Harry | Age 2

Harry just got home from tour a few days ago. But this was the first time you'd got to spend one-on-one time with him. Your parents were out, and you were both cuddled up on the couch.

The movie you were watching just went off, and you were growing tired. "What now, sweet pea?" He asked as he brushed hair from your face. You pondered on it for a bit. "Sing?" You asked as your eyes shot up to his. He chuckled. "Sure." He thought for a minute and then readjusted your positions. When you were settled again, he took a breath.

"I've got a heart, and I've got a soul," he sang soft and smoothly. Your eyes fluttered shut as you felt his chest vibrate. He loved times like these. You both did.

HEY IT'S 2017 WUUTT. I found this one cute af, if I do say so myself. But I do want to apologize if any of the lyrics are off. I'm tired. So tired. Anyways, hope you have an amazing first day of the new year and I love you all! Don't forget to vote and comment.♡

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