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"Wendy I have something to tell you. I-I really like you!" Romeo confessed. There was an sudden silence and as Romeo looked up he saw a blushing Wendy but..

He also saw a stern looking Carla, and three angry dragon slayers next to the blushing Wendy.

Wendy could not stop blushing at Romeo's confession. He had been acting so weird all day,trying to act like Elfman and then he just confessed to her! She had a crush on Romeo for a long time, it only started off as a minor crush but when they started talking the crush became a major one,and here he was confessing to her. She wanted to say she liked him to but,she was just frozen still in shock. Not to mention there were three very angry dragon slayers and a angry Carla sitting right next to her.

Romeo was also now frozen in shock as seeing Wendy not replying to him, made him think she didn't like her, and despite building up the courage he started to instantly regret confessing if she doesn't even like him, well actually he mainly regretted telling her when the dragons slayers were nearby. Now apart from Natsu the dragon slayers would act like they didn't really care for Wendy to much, Gajeel and Laxus didn't want to look like they had a soft spot for the girl,even though it was clearly obvious. But whenever there was a boy around Wendy, they didn't care about that,just like how they didn't care who the boy was. They only cared for Wendy their "little sister". So it was quite clear that Romeo probably wasn't going to live to see another day.

Finally Wendy felt like she could talk and reply back. If this means that he likes her then she had nothing to worry about! Unless it's a joke? I mean that makes sense who would wanna go out with a clumsy,flat chested girl like her. But if she was going to confess it was now or never.
"Romeo I li-"
"I absolutely forbid this relationship. Wendy this boy is the son of a pervert not to mention he has a Pervy uncle as well!" Carla said, furiously pointing at Romeo.
"Yeah I'm sorry Romeo, I mean your like my little brother and all but Wendy is to young to date anyone, so you can't date her!" Natsu said, as if he wasn't actually that sorry because of his protectiveness. Although unlike the other two dragon slayers, Natsu got along with Romeo, so he could always talk to Wendy around Natsu, yet he's not letting Romeo and Wendy be together!

"Yeah for once Salamanders right, we didn't even like a boy like you being friends with Wendy,so what makes you think we're gonna let you date her!" Gajeel warning,his arm turned to iron and slammed the floor near poor Romeo, scaring him to death.
"Hey what do you mean once I'm right, metal freak!" Natsu exclaimed, butting heads with Gajeel.
"Exactly what I meant you fire breathing bastard!" Gajeel replied as they both started fighting.
"For once both of the morons are right. Look kid I never liked you to begin with, and I especially don't like you hanging out with Wendy!"Laxus said, sparks flying off him.
"O-Okay, I won't date your sis-I mean Wendy! You know what, I'll just be going now." Romeo said a frightened, but as he walked off he looked so disheartened and sad. Wendy was about to run after him when Carla flew in front of her.
"Child I know you like him, but you are far to young to date him. And he could turn into a pervert. I won't let you go out with someone like that." Carla said, trying to calm Wendy down.

But it didn't it only made Wendy more upset as she looked down to the floor sadly.
"Look Wendy we're only looking out for you,your still young so we have to look out for you. Come on if it'll cheer you up we can go on a job later." Natsu said, ruffling Wendy's hair.
"Look Wendy, when I was your age I wasn't a good person and when I started dating people it was even worse, it made me feel superior and I never actually respected the relationships I had. Your to young to understand relationships, so trust me this is for the best." Laxus said, a bit hesitant about opening up to his past life,around a young child.
"Look kid, you'll get over it, I mean it was probably just some silly short crush anyway you'll see." Gajeel replied.

Meanwhile whilst they were all saying this Wendy was looking down to the floor. She cared for them but they were so overprotective, and they weren't the one who weren't seeing her growing up. They still thought of her as this child.
"I know your looking out for me. It feels nice to have someone looking out for me, but there's a different between looking out for me and choosing my life for me. I'm not a kid anymore, I'm growing up. And I don't have a mom or a dad to guide me in life, and your the closest thing I have. But even if you want me to do something differently, you have to respect my own choices. If you really cared about me, you'll let me make my own choices." Wendy said quietly but loud enough for the dragon slayers and Carla to hear. With that she ran after Romeo who had walked out the guild hall.

Romeo couldn't believe it, he had finally gained the guts to ask out Wendy and the dragon slayers just wouldn't let him go out with her, even Natsu! But he couldn't blame them, I mean maybe someone like him should'nt go out with Wendy. I mean he just whines all the time, and he doesn't even do anything for the guild. And maybe he will turn out to be perverted  like his dad...then again Romeo felt like throwing up just by thinking like that. He is not turning out like his dad or uncle.

"ROMEO!" Wendy shouted, running up to catch up to him.
"Wendy?" He questioned, surprised as she came back to check up on him, does that mean she likes him? Don't get ahead of yourself, Romeo thought.
"I'm sorry about Carla, and Natsu,Gajeel and Laxus." Wendy exclaimed, trying to catch her breath.
"It's okay Wendy, I understand they were only looking out for you, it's fine even if you don't like me back or your not allowed to be with me, I'm just glad I got that weight off my chest." Romeo said smiling.
"No your wrong! I-I do like you." Wendy said her face turning bright red,but smiling none the less.
"Wait...YOU DO?!" Romeo shouted in surprise.
"Yeah I really do like you, I've actually liked you for a long time now." Wendy replied rather shyly.
"I like you to." Romeo uttered, still surprised that Wendy likes him back.
"Yeah I know, you were the one that confessed first, remember." Wendy replied giggling, and Romeo smiled at himself,her laugh was so adorable. He was so glad someone as kind and caring as Wendy liked him.

What Romeo and Wendy didn't know was that the dragon slayers and Carla were watching the whole thing, and while they were mad, they remembered what Wendy said. Maybe Romeo wasn't to bad, but if he dared lay a finger on her the dragon slayers will be right over.
Thx for sky-dragon-slayer and litzyteniza1234 for requesting this oneshot. HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! HOPE YOU HAVE A GREAT ONE!

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