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Today was the day Wendy had first joined Fairy Tail, it was also the day that Wendy found out that her past guild Cait Shelter, all the members, all of her family were illusions. She tried to focus on the positive, and that was the fact that she joined Fairy Tail, but she couldn't stop herself from thinking about Cait Shelter. She missed all of them so much. But sometimes Wendy asked herself if it was normal to miss them. After all they were just illusions, they weren't even real. Did that mean the friendships she made with the members of Cait Shelter, weren't real friendships. Was that just an illusion to. If that was the case, then why did Wendy miss them so much?

"Wendy. Wendy!" Erza shouted softly, shaking Wendy, snapping her out of her thoughts.
"Are you okay Wendy?" Erza asked worriedly. Wendy smiled at her reassuringly, as she reached forward and took a sip of her drink.
"I'm alright Erza. There's no need to worry." Wendy replied kindly. In front of her, the master looked at her with slight suspicion, he gave her a look saying he knew she wasn't okay.
"Well Wendy if anything was wrong,know that you can always talk to me." Master exclaimed, smiling softly at Wendy. Her eyes started to widen as Master Makarov starting to look and feel like Master Roubaul.
"Old man where am I?" Wendy asked sadly.
"W-Where are you?" Roubaul replied.
"Jellal. Said he was going to take me to a guild." Wendy cried out.
"T-This is a guild! A wonderful guild full of mages!"
"Really?!" Wendy replied perking up.
"Step out here and take a look inside! Everyone is waiting for you!"

Wendy not being able to cope with all these emotions, panicked and ran out of the guild. She tried to hold back her tears. It wasn't fair! They weren't even real! Wendy didn't know why she had to feel this way. Her knees gave way and she fell on to the floor, her body shaking. Why did Cait Shelter,why did her family have to be illusions?!Why did they have to leave her to? Just like her mother and Mystogan had left her. Was she not worthy of their company? Did they not want to be around her anymore?
"Was it something I did?" Wendy whispered guiltily. Makarov placed his small hand on Wendy's shoulder, causing her to gasp and turn around to face him.
"Child what is wrong? You'r upset, you ran off. You know you can talk to me." The master uttered, sitting down next to Wendy.
"I'm sorry Master, I didn't mean to run off like that, it's just..I'm really sorry but when I looked at you I saw Master Roubaul. And I realised just how much I miss him, and Cait Shelter." Wendy replied sadly.
"Why are you apologising? There is nothing wrong with missing your guild." Master Makarov asked confused.
"Because I feel like I don't deserve to miss them, they were all just illusions. Were my feelings towards them even real?" Wendy questioned.
"Of course they are. Real or not. They still created an impact on your life. The feelings that you feel are clearly real otherwise you wouldn't feel this way. Just because they were illusions, doesn't mean the connections you made with them were fake." Master Makarov replied.
"But maybe I should've moved on by now, I have fairy tail now, you gave me a home, and I feel like I'm not showing my appreciation, I mean I pictured you as my old Master." Wendy exclaimed.
"Child. Whether you find new people you care about, it is still normal to miss the ones you love. You'll always miss them and there is nothing wrong with that. Cait Shelter created a big impact on your life. But Wendy you have still carried on with your life, you've still made new friends and pushed your strength even further. But even the strongest people are allowed to cry now and again." The Master advised Wendy, who was starting to cry.
"Thank you Master. And thank you for accepting me into this wonderful guild." Wendy replied.
"Wendy I'm so glad Erza invited you to join. Your a kind and wonderful girl. Fairy tail is more then happy to have you."
Just a sweet friendship one shot I wanted to write between Wendy and Makarov. Does anyone feel like Makarov is really underrated? Thank you for reading😊

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