All Alone in the Ruins

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Toriel guided you into a long, empty, narrow hallway.

"You have done excellently thus far, my child."

You give her a happy smile

"However...I have a difficult request to ask of you."

She was silent for a few moments

"I would like you to walk to the end of the room by yourself. Forgive me for this."

Toriel rushes off. The room is so long that you can't even see her, you can only heir footsteps.

"By myself!? Oh god...I'm gonna die.." You think to yourself

" *deep breath* may as well get this over and done with!"

You start walking at a fast pace then slow down.

"This isn't too bad!"


A froggit hops out from behind a bush.

"AGH! FROGGIT!" You screamed

You started running, you could feel the wind in your hair as your feet carried you away.
You had finally reached the end of the room!

"*huff* *puff* *heavy breathing*"

You put your hands on your thighs and try to catch your breath. After a few minutes, you started to relax a bit. You look to your left to see a large grey pillar made of quartz.

"Greetings, my child."

You fall flat onto the ground as Toriel steped out from behind the pillar.

"Oh dear! Did I frighten you? So sorry. Do not worry, I did not leave you."

"That's *huff* ok, I'm fine *pant*"

"I was merely behind this pillar the whole time."

"I noticed *huff*"

"Thank you for trusting me. However, there was an important reason for this exercise."

"You got the exercise part right *pant*"

"...To test your Independence. I must attend to some business, and you must stay alone for a while."


"Please remain here. It is dangerous to explore by yourself."

"Sure." You agreed

"I have an idea. I will give you a Cell Phone."

She reaches into her pocket and hands you a grey Flip Phone. Its old and dusty.

"Oh Wow! Thanks!"

"You are very welcome. But, if you have a need for anything, just call. Be good, alright?"

"Ok, Bye Toriel!"

Toriel walks off. As she leaves your sight, you start to fool around with your new phone

"Can I call her?" you question

You look in the contacts menu on your phone. Toriels number is the only one there.

You call Toriel

"This is Toriel."

"Hi, uh..can I call you Mom?" You ask

"Huh? Well..I suppose..Would that make you happy? To call me "Mother?"

"Yes, actually."

"Well then, call me whatever you like!"


"Wow..didn't think she would say yes.."

After a few minutes you start feeling board and nervous.

"O-ok, I know Mom said not to wonder off, but I'm standing here like a sitting goose! Who knows what will happen to me if I don't move around!"

You exit the room and enter the next.

"I wonder how many rooms are in this place...?"


"Hello? This is Toriel."

"Hi mom!"

"You have not left the room, have you? There are a few puzzles ahead that I have to explain. It would be dangerous to try and solve them yourself. Be good, alright?"

"Bye Mom!"


You put the phone in your pocket

"Ribbit, ribbit"


You bounce back trying to get some distance from you and the Froggit

"Please don't hurt me!" You beg

"Excuse me, human."


"Yes, I have some advice for you about battling monsters."

"ok...? So you're just going to ignore the face that I screamed in you face?"

"Yes. If you ACT a certain way or FIGHT until you almost defeat them...They might not want to battle you anymore. If the monster dose not want to fight you, please...use some MERCY, human.

"Ok. T-th-thank you, little Froggit!"

You look around the room, you see more red leaves, but, in little Piles this time. There is a twinkling light beside one of the piles, its another Star.

"Another one?"

You reach out to touch it.

(Playfully crinkling through the leaves fills you with determination)


You shouted at the ceiling.


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