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I wake to find mordecai out the room ...oh thats right he's out with margaret who knows what they can be doing now , just thinking about hurts , Right before i go right back to sleep the door bell ring ....RING...RING...RING, the messy sad looking raccoon approach the door with his sloppy hair and a t-shirt that cover mainly his whole body.

RIGBY: I'm coming rigby opens the door to find one of his old friends  from way back ...hey what up rigby how   "oh hey jeremy  been so long how you been man . 

JEREMY: good , with a shock look on his face looking at rigby

RIGBY: what , *now blushing

JEREMY: nothing it's just realized how cute you are ,(smiling *)

RIGBY: stop! it with a sad look now on his face , why are you here any way jeremy , *still blushing looking down at his slippers 

Then all of a sudden rigby  felt something warm on his lip it was soft but hot he looked at jeremy looking at him with sharp i contact , but rigby was to shock  to pull baack he started to picture mordecai doing this to him kissing him , touching him , hugging him , he wanted mordecai , slowly rigby started to melt into the warm tinder kiss just forgetting it was jeremy , but he came to reality and broke apart the kiss . Shocked of  what just happened .

JEREMY: I know you like him , but he doesn't care for you like i do.

RIGBY: stil in shock of what just happened , YOUR WRONG!! , he yelled but really was he wrong he had a crush on mordecai for mostly ever since they meet . He then turned around t jeremy about to cry , " MORDECAI DOES CARE FOR ME HE JUST !" rigby stopped for a moment looking away from jeremy.

JEREMY: He just what , (smirking) loves you as a friend he said still smirking , He doesn't even realize's your feelings he just care's about that red headed b#tch and you know it 

RIGBY: no he mh, rigby was cut of with another kiss this time more rougher , jeremy was now pleading for pleasure he licked , and sucked rigby lip's asking to explore his mouth , rigby now heart broken  thinking about what  jeremy said then open his mouth for jeremy to explore regretting ever bit of it . But he needed to get mordecai out his head of thinking about what he could be doing to margaret , and that's what all mordeci care's about is margaret . Still hurting like hell in his heart, Rigby then wrapped his hand around jeremy's neck asking for more , jeremy accepted the desire and did so. 

JEREMY: see you like it we need to get him out of your head . There going to be a party around from here i'm coming to pick you up , and then going too my house and finish were we left off this time with a seduce smile .

RIGBY: hurting said " ok " quietly watching jeremy go back to the parking lot with a painful sting in his heart , jeremy then wave and drove away leaving rigby with tears in his heart thinkinhg to him self while trembling to the floor on both knees " why does it hurt so bad why do i love him so , and why did i say ok to jeremy about sex." " WHY WAS THIS HAPPENING TO ME " i guess i have to say " GOOD BYE TO MY LOVE" this time rigby was bawling on the floor hurting , pain anger and confusing to why this is happening and scared to see how long will this feeling to continue " what will become  of me and mordecai will he see or care" .


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