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"you should really get some sleep." Brandon tells me.
"I want Hunter." I tell him.
"I'll get him for you." he says walking out.
I lay down looking at the ceiling thinking about me throwing up. Ugh gross. My thoughts are interrupted by Hunter walking in.
"Oh my gosh!" He says running up to me.
"Are you okay?" He asks. I shake my head no. He lays down by me and Brandon sits on the edge of the bed. I cuddle up next to Hunter as he rubs my back. Brandon runs downstairs and returns a few minutes later with Christine.
"Hey hun." She says.
"Hi." I say.
"How you feeling?" She asks.
"Do you wanna go to the hospital?"
"Not today, maybe if Im still sick in a week." I say.
"Ok, well tell me if you want anything." She says walking out. As soon as she leaves a huge pain goes through my head, stupid migranes. It gets so strong that I start to cry. Hunter hugs me and we lay down next to each other, with Brandon laying on the other side of me.


I wake up in the bed alone. I look around and the bedroom door is open and the sun is shining through the curtains. I feel my stomach  turn and I run to the bathroom. I throw up a little too early missing the toilet. Ashton hears me I guess because he runs in the bathroom. He has a worried face expression and grabs my hair out of the way.
"It's okay. I'm here for you." He says trying to sound calm.
After I'm done I wash my face and walk back into bed. Ugh, I wish my mom was here, she would've made her famous hot coacoa that always makes me feel better.
Ashton sits next to me and says, "I'll bring food for you to eat."
"I'm not hungry."
"Well you have to eat, it will be worse if you don't." He walks out.  He returns with food and water. I eat it and go back to sleep, wondering where Hunter is. I know it's nothing to worry about but I wish he stayed with me the whole time. I sound so selfish.

The Secret |Hunter R.| ✅ Where stories live. Discover now