Chapter 2

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    I am now locked in the bathroom tending to my wombs because my "mom" and "dad" thought it would be fun to push me down the stairs before we left.
Now that I have tended to my wombs I have to take my bags to the truck ughh fuck my life. While I am carrying my things to the truck I feel a sudden pain come over me. I realize my "dad" just through his luggage at me.Fucking bitch
On the ride their I am hoping and praying that this school is not like my last. At my last school I got bullied so bad I had to go to the hospital and was in a cast for a whole month.
I never had a girlfriend and I am  still a virgin. I am very smart nd I have a 3.5 GPA so far. I am what they call a Soft Stud, but that really doesn't matter to me. All that matters is getting into a top college and getting the fuck out of this hell hole.

Authors note~
Tell me how I could make it better

Once my bully now my lover (studxstud)Where stories live. Discover now