Chapter 12

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Zeros POV

"K-Kaname!~" I screamed and came. He groaned and came into the condom.

I panted heavily and pulled him out. I slid the condom off of him and pretended to tie it. "I love you."
I whispered to him and walked into the bathroom. 

I closed the door and bent over, doing the same thing I have done everyday for weeks. Tomorrow I will take a pregnancy test.

When I was done, I cleaned up. I tied the condom and threw it in the trash, i couldnt have him knowing that ive been doing this. 

I walked out and crawled in bed with him. "Zero." he said softly. I looked up at him and tilted my head cutely. "Yes Kaname?"

"How come you have been taking my condoms to the trash recently?" he asked and i widened my eyes. He caught on. Ive been busted. 

"i have a better question. Why are you even wearing condoms!?" i grew really upset. He has no right to be questioning me! 

"i dont want you to get pregnant! thats why!" he said and my heart shattered. I turned around and slapped him, going into our closet and shoving my clothes in a suitcase.

"im sorry you feel that way Kaname" i snapped and left. A limo pulled up and took me back to the Academy. I should have just stayed at the academy.

I crawled in bed at my old dorm and fell asleep. 

~the next day~ 

I yawned and dressed, walking to classes. Headmaster put me on day classes, which i was happy about. I wanted to completely avoid any  connection with him. I smiled softly when class was over. 

Days and weeks eventually passed. I was so happy for the weekend. I placed my hand on my stomach, smiling. I had got what i wanted. "Kaname will never know" 

Speaking of Kaname, he has done nothing to get in contact with me, and i think im starting to get over him. Yes, there is still that ache to be back in his arms, but if he doesnt want to have this baby with me then im not going to be with him.

My heart started to pound for another person...someone who i treasure darling sister Yuki. 

I know everyone says thats sick, but i love her. I loved her before i met Kaname..she was the only one actually took care of me in my weakest moments. Maybe thats all it was. I know Kaname was my true love, and telling Yuki my feelings will only make it awkward. 

So i decided to keep my trap shut. That was honestly the best decision now, plus i didnt want to love anyone but the baby now. I told Headmaster and he agreed to let me leave until my baby was born. 

Months had passed. I turned into an absolute bitch. I hated when people touched me, especially headmaster. He made me want to throw up, even though he made me want to throw up before i became pregnant. 

I was on my 7th month, two more before my bundle of joy joins the world. I was walking down the hall to grab food, the cold fridge handle made me shiver. I heard Headmaster scream loudly in the living room. I groaned loudly. 

'damn is this man ever quiet?' i closed the fridge and walked into the living room, my arm over my eyes. 

"Headmaster can you shut your trap? god you piss me off." i uncovered my eyes to see what the dumbass was even screaming at. My eyes widened along with his. 

"holy shit...." Kaname whispered as he eyed my stomach. I protectively covered my stomach and growled. "you have no right to be here. Leave." i pointed toward the door. 

He didnt get up to leave. No. instead he went up to me and touched my stomach. "this baby is mine Zero. i have every right to be in its life"  he lift my shirt to get direct contact. 

i slapped him just as hard as the day i left. "no! you didnt even want this baby! its mine and i will never let you see it!" i turned and went to walk away. 

He roughly grabbed my arm and dragged me out of the house, throwing me in the back of his limo. We drove to a small cafe, which was usually pretty busy. 

I sighed and slumped on the seat. he helped me out and we walked to a booth in a private area. "what do you want?" i whispered softly and placed my hand over my bump. 

Having him so close to me in months made my heart pound, but i wasnt going to let him effect me that much. 

"i want to fix this. i want to be with you and i want to be apart of that babies life. When i said that i didnt know how ready i was to have a child with you. You just wanted a baby so bad...and i didnt know if i was ready. So after a couple months of thinking about it, i decided i was ready. " He said and looked me in the eyes. 

I crossed my arms and looked at him. "ill let you be in the babies life, but i cant guarantee that you will be with me. I need more time away from you then 7 months. Let me date a couple people and get back to you." i went to stand up. 

"wait Zero?" i turned toward him. "can i at least have saturday nights with you? " he stood up as well. i thought about it. What is the harm? i nodded my head and walked out. "its a date!" he yelled after me. 

Time to find some dates. 


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