Epilogue (Part 1)

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So as you can see the epilogue has been divided by parts .. Maybe upto two parts? Kekeke Anyways ! Sorry this Part took so long TT^TT huhuhu but please look forward to it .. !

Especially the part 2 >:) (evil smile)

Hope you enjoy ! Saranghaeyooooooo~! <3



It's been 3years since the day my memories came all the way back ..

Chanyeol and i ended up going on te same university but different course. He took up business management because he said his family runs a business. I took up fine arts .. well i like painting and all creative stuffs.

Whenever we see each other this always comes up ..

"Eanji~?? ㅠㅠ When are we getting married?" He said.

He always ask that on an unexpected manner so i always end up being startled from what i'm doing.

"Yah ! We haven't even graduated college ! Why do you keep asking that?" I told him.

"I'm scared you might fall in love with other guys in your class !"

That was sweet of him but UGH.

"W..what? What about me huh?!! Am i not scared about you falling for beautiful girls in your class?! Aishhh !" I exclamied irritatingly.

"Well .. That's my point ! That's why we should marry already !" He said as if winning this argument.

I looked at him bluntly.

"Whatever Chanyeol. I'll marry you only AFTER we graduate not before ! " I said turning my back at him.

"Hey wait up ! I'm just joking ! I just wanted to make sure you if you still wanna marry me.." He said walking up to me and naturally placed his arm around my shoulder.

"I won't answer your question about marriage anymore ! Try asking me that after graduation and that would be my final answer .."

"How would i know if you'll say yes that day?" He asked looking worried.

"Well that's the exciting part~!" I said winking at him.

He sulked and pouted infront of me. "okay ! I won't nag you about marriage anymore. Just so you wait !" He said in an authorative tone.

Both of us smiled at each other after that as if understanding this small silence between us.

When suddenly Chanyeol's phone rang ..

He checked to see who it was and he got a message from Kai and said that he and the guys are already at the restaurant where they planned a reunion even though we almost see each others faces almost once a week.

"Let's go ! I think will be fun." He said holding my hand as we continued our walk.

"Fun because there is so many food there?" I asked.

"No. Fun because i'm with you there !" He said cooly.

I wasn't able to respond but instead continued walking. I can feel my face flushed ! He really doesn't ran out of things to say !


"YEHET ! The love birds are here Ohorat !" Sehun immediately exclaimed as we entered the restaurant clapping like a seal.

"WOAH Sehun ! I just saw you last week but you look taller now !" Chanyeol kidded.

Everyone laughed.

"This isn't a reunion right? We see each other almost everyweek !" Baekhyun blurted out while holding his glass.

"No ! We will have a surprise guest !" Kai said while placing some chicken on his plate.

"Who?" I asked.

All of us looked at him puzzled while Sehun was beside him and giving us an evil smile.

These two can really be so secretive.

"Galaxy." Sehun suddenly said still smiling and pointed at the entrance door of the restaurant.

There then Kris and Sandy unnie went inside together holding hands.


"WOAH O_____O?!!! You're with noona? What's the meaning of this ?!!" Sehun exclaimed.

All of us jawdropped as they entered.

"We are a couple now didn't i tell you about it?" Kris said smiling proudly.

~ End of Epilogue Part1~

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