Chapter 22: Frienemy

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AN: and again sorry for the short chapter >.<!! /gives full bow/
I'll make the next one long :D

But i hope you enjoy ~!!



I was in the middle of nowhere where it was only pitch black ..

I started to run.. Run as fast as i can ..

But i don't know where i was heading because i can't see a thing ..

I felt anxious..

How will i be able to esape this dark place ..

I continued running and tears were falling dowm my cheeks..

Suddenly ..

A light appeared ..

I followed where that light was heading ..

I was suddenly in a place where there was this huge tree infront of me..

I felt at peace just by looking at it ..

I quickly caught someone seated uderneath it ..

He looked peacefull ..

But ... My heart ...

It was beating so fast ..

I can't explain what i feel..

And not even knowing ..

My feet was running towards his direction ..

But as i was about to see his face ..

It suddenly became blurry ..


My clock alarmed.

UGH T____T

I sat up from my bed remembering what i just recently dreamed.

I felt my heart was still beating so fast. Woah~

AISHHH !!! Of all this time !
I wasn't even able to see the guy's face.

I got up from my bed feeling disappointed and did my daily routine.

"Eanji dear?? Chanyeol's here ~" My mom said.

"Okay mom."

HUH?!! WAIT ... O___O did mom just said Chanyeol?!!

OMO !!!

I quickly dashed my way where mom was and i saw that Chanyeol guy sitting in our living room.

I shot him an annoyed look.

"MOM??!! .. How did you know his name?!" I asked her.

"You two are friends right? .. Or are you two dating now? .. Wait .. Are you sick my dear?" She said and feeling the back of her hand on my forehead.

"F...friend?" I looked at Chanyeol who was sitting and i can guarantee that he heard what me and my mom was talking about.

He is my friend?

How come i can't remember him? =_=

Did this Chanyeol guy told my mom that he was a friend of mine?

"Yah.. Mr.Chan my mom just said that we were friends. When did you become my friend huh? Don't even try to involve my mom with your funny games Chanyeol ! " I told him.

He stood up, held my hand and pulled me out of our house.

"Bye Mrs.Kim ~!" He then said to my mom.

"Yah ! Let me go !" I said even if he was just holding my hand so gentle.

I let go of it myself feeling flushed and walked with him but keeping a quite distance.

"We are already friends right?" He asked smiling.

OMO >.<!! His smile. This is the first time i've seen his smile.

"Nooooo? I just met you yesterday .. Why do you keep insisting?!! " I said.


"Nooooo? I just met you yesterday .. Why do you keep insisting?!!" She said.

This is definitely not going to be easy,

"We are friends way back ~! I'm a transferee and we suddenly became friends ~ we are already a coup-- i mean friends ! Why can't you remember me?" I told her.

I can't tell her that we are a couple she might get freaked out again so i'll just start out by just friends.

"Well .. I don't know? I really haven't seen you ever since." She told me.

My heart ached and i looked at her seriously.

"Will you believe me even just a little?" I asked.

"It depends? Do you have any proof ..?" She said.

UGH =_=

"Umm .. Isn't it enough that the whole class rememers me except you?" I asked her.

And that made her think ..

She suddenly was holding every part of her head.

"I wasn't involved in any accidents though .. I can't feel any pain in my head =_= to have such an amnesia .." She said.

She is right.

But i can't explain how Mr.Lee managed to erase her memories, she might not believe me anyway.

"Well .. Umm ..i guess~ That's for you to find out !" I told her while smiling.


Weird .. =___=

This guy is really weird..

"O .... Kaaay?" I said.

Both of us made our way towards the school .. I felt really awkward walking with him .. I don't know if he feels the same way though?

He just keeps on talking and talking about the both of us knowing each other.

*sighs* -____-

And me .. I just keep on nodding and nodding aaaaaand nod.

The guys from yesterday walked towards us.

What is with these people an they are so good looking? O___O


"Hyung ~! Good to see you guys going to school together again ~!" Sehun said.

"I have a question?" Eanji suddenly raised her hands.

All of us lookad at her with a questioning face.

"Are you guys .. An idol???" She asked.

". . ."

"BWAHAHAHAHAHA !" All of us laughed so hard.

I was holding my stomach because of laughing.

But i remember that she also asked that even before the first time we met ..

"What's funny about my question =_= ?!! Aishh ! Whatever you don't need to answer that ~ i'll head to class now bye" She said and turned her back at us and walk towards the hallways. I immediately followed her.

"Sorry ~ it really is funny whenever people thinks that we are an idol or an idol group everytime hahaha.. You also asked that to me when we first met.." I told her.


"Sorry ~ it really is funny whenever people thinks that we are an idol or an idol group everytime hahaha.. You also asked that to me when we first met.." He said smiling.

But i can see that there were sadness in his eyes..

Even if he hides it ..

I just nooded again by what he just said. "Oh. Did i?" I told him.

He also nodded and remained quiet the whole class.

While our teacher was discussing i can't help but look at him but not being too obvious.

I can see that he now looks down compared to how joyful he was this morning ..

He keeps on telling me that i know him..

If i remember this ..
If i rememer that ..

But i really can't remember a single thing ..

I don't even want to believe him ..

And now just by seeing him being wretched ..

It makes me want to believe him ..

I don't know ..

It's really confusing ..

"What?" He caught me looking at him.

OMO O___O !!

I quickly switched my gaze.. And pretended that i didn't hear him.



A week has passed and there are only quite of some improvements of her memories ..

I guess?

Because she just keeps on nodding everytime i talk about the past=_= i don't even know if she's paying attention to it.

I offered to walk her home but she forgot something inside the classroom so she went bak inside ..

I decided to wait for her outside the gate ..

But i was surprised when ..

Kris hyung was waiting outside leaning on a post with his hands inside his pockets.

He quickly sensed and walked towards me ..

"Oh .. Hey ~ Chanyeol .." He said.

"Hyung? Why are you here? The guys already headed home early today .." I said.

"Oh nothing .. I just heard that Eanji lost her memories?" He said forming a smirk on his lips.

Is it just me or is he really planning something not good?

"Yeah .. That's why i'm having a hard time making her remember things .." I said.

"Oh .. Will it be my fault if ever some unexpected turn of events happen and she eventually falls for me?" He asked.

I felt alarmed.

He really is planning something.

"Hyung what are you up to now?! " I told him.

"I didn't say i give up right?" He smirked.

"I won't let that happen .." I said seriously.

I can see he switched his gaze from my back and i quickly turned to see who he was looking at ..

It was Eanji who just got out of the school gates ..

He walk towards me ..

"Hello i'm Kris .. Chanyeol's friend nice to meet you .. " Kris said bowing and smiling at her.

"Oh hello .. I'm Eanji chanyeol's new friend nice to meet you too~ " She said bowing.

"Yes .. Really nice to meet you again :) but i have to leave the two of you now .. I already told what Chanyeol has to know .. Bye ~" Kris hyung said and he quickly hopped on his motorcycle and left.

I suddenly felt frustrated ..

Why now?

Of all time !

Eanji looked at me with a questioning face.

"Is he your friend? From the look on your face .. He looks like he is your enemy?" She asked.

"He is my friend .. But Enemy .. Sorry i can't explain it right now come on ~" i smiled at her.

Yes .. Kris hyung is my friend but ..

Why can't he understand my situation?

It was me who first met and fell for Eanji ~

He was just the first to confess ..

*We arrived at Eani's house and i waved goodbye at her ..

Usually at times like this ..

I immediately run to exo forest, but now i can't ~

Going there as a human will take me weeks of running ..

I went home and quickly collapsed on my bed ..

I looked at the ceiling..

Thinking all of the things that might happen ..

It's really hard for me emotionally that Eanji lost her memories ..

And now Kris hyung will enter and take advantage of this situation?!

We can never tell what might happen though ..

Especially now that i'm just a new person to Eanji ..

Kris and I are now even ..

This is gonna be a tough one..

I only hope Eanji will not fall for him ..

But ..

I'll hold on and believe that faith will never bring us apart ..

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