Epilogue (Part 2)

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Everyone was shocked about Kris hyung's revelation.

"Yah hyung ! I didn't know you also like Sandy noona ?" I asked him.

"Yes, i liked her ! I always look at her secretly but you were always in between us hahaha good thing Eanji came !" Kris said.

"Wait hyung ! Are you still being mind controlled?" Kai suddenly asked.

All of us looked at Kris with full interest waiting for his answer. His face suddenly became serious then glared at Eanji ! I felt alarmed and was about to go beside her if anything happens but suddenly ..

"Kidding ~ ! Hahaha I won't be mind controlled by him anymore. I was able to learn how to block it and you guys know how to do it already alright?" Kris reasurred us.

"Yah yah ! Look at Chanyeol ! He looked panicked when Kris hyung acted like he was being mind controlled HAHAHA calm down Chanyeol ! We are one here !" Baekhyun said.

I still went beside Eanji for safety purposes. :)

I was really happy for Kris hyung and Sandy noona because they look good together.

"Sandy noona and I would look better though.." I said while in deep thought.

"What did you just say? =_=" Eanji suddenly blurted while crossing her arms.

"Ah no ! O__O !! I mean .. I was just .." I don't know what to say. I unexpectedly said it out loud.

"YEHET ! LOVE QUARREL ! Popcorn please !" Sehun exclaimed.

"Aigoo ! Chanyeol you should be careful with your words ! Remember Eanji is so precious that you almost lost your life just to be with her and you're gonna blew it up just by wrong choices of words?!! HAHAHAHA" Baekhyun said mocking me.

"So when are you two going to marry?" I asked Kris hyung who was busy drinking and chocked as he heard his question.

"*COUGH* What?! There are no plans yet ! Why are you asking me that?! Isn't it me who should ask that? When are you and Eanji gonna get married?" Kris shot back.

"Oh that. After we graduate." I said while looking at Eanji at my peripheral view.

Baekhyun and Chen on the other hand were forcing themselves not to laugh.

"Pffffffft~ Kkaeb song~! " Baekhyun said.

"YAH- .. Oh?" I was just about to tackle the two when suddenly a waiter went over to us handling a piece of envelope to me.

"Who gave that?" Kris asked.

"A group of guys. They didn't said their names. They just said to give this letter to all of you. Sorry sir." The waiter bowed and left.

I carefully opened the envelope. As i unfold the piece of paper, The letters written are in a slightly big font.

My eyes widened as i read the letter that was infront of me.

"Hyung? Are you alright?" Sehun asked looking worried.

I looked at them and showed the letter to them..


"HEOL ! ..What does he mean by that !" Baekhyun exclaimed in shock.

All of them looked flabbergasted after reading the letter. It was from Mr.Lee, The head of all the wolves and has such great power.

"I think Mr.Lee got really angry. I bet he would do everything to keep our generation of wolves be as it has to be but sadly even though Chanyeol is still a wolf he is considered a half human now because his powers are limited unlike us." Kris said.

"Mr.Lee can bring back Chanyeol's whole wolf abilities anytime, but the fact that he loved a human .. I think Mr.Lee wouldn't let a mortal be part of us. You know his pride about the wolves right?" DO said thinking things out.

"The scary part is that he can kill if he wants to !" Kai exclaimed.

"Tsk ! I myself wants to be a human. I don't want any wolf abilities !" Tao exclaimed.

"It would be nice to be a non-wolf but i still want our power to control nature still be with us." Suho said and everyone nodded in agreement.

"Chanyeol ! Don't worry ! We will help you get through this. We won't consider Mr.Lee as the boss anymore he is now an enemy to all of us, he is not thinking of our freedom. We will do everything because .." Kris paused and looked side to side.

"WE ARE ONE !" All of us exclaimed and laughed at the end. I'm very thankful that i have these guys with me.

I wasn't worried what was bound to happen to me, but i was more worried for Eanji because she is purely a mortal.

She looked at me with eyes full of fear and worry. I held her hand tightly and said the words.. "I'll protect you."

We don't know what is in store for us in the future..

I bet it will be a hard one..

But as long as i am with the people whom i care the most..

I have no worries. Even though i'm less stronger of a whole wolf,

I'll do my best to fight for them.

Because We Are One.

~End of Chapter~

A wolf who fell in love (Exo fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now