Chapter 12: Sam

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     I stay in my seat for a few more minutes until I begin to wonder where Alex is. Maybe he doesn't feel good. I decide to wait for a few more minutes. It would be weird if I directly started running after him. But Alex seemed like he couldn't stay in his seat for another minute. I wait another five minutes, ten minutes, then I leave my seat and rush after him.

     Hes sitting in the lobby and stareing into nothing. I knew that something was wrong. I walk up to him and lean against his chair in silence. Alex doesn't notice me until I put my hand on his shoulder. He jumps a bit.

"Are you okay?" Stupid question. Of course he's not.  Alex shakes his head and buries his face in his hands.

"What's wrong?" Is my next question. Please don't let it be me, I think, don't tell me that you hate me.

"It's my boyfriend," Alex mumbles. I knew it. Of course it's him. That asshole. What did he do to Alex?

"Oh," I say instead, "what happened?"

"He was in the movie. He sat a few rows in front of us," Alex starts.

     Did he see us? I hope he did. I hope he regrets being an asshole.

"He wasn't alone."

     My thoughts stop.

"You mean he has a date? Right now?" Alex nods.

"Oh shit, "I mumble. "That asshole."

"What am I going to do now," Alex asks, "He's in there. With his date. I can't go back."

     I say the first thing that comes to my head. "You should break up with him."

"What?" Alex looks shocked. I roll my eyes.

"That asshole doesn't deserve you."

     Alex blushes and I'm tempted to do the same. I don't.

"Come on. The movie wasn't that good anyway. Let's go eat something," I suggest.

     Alex looks up to me. He looks so sad I want to hug him. "Really?"

I shrug. "If you feel like it. I'd even be so generous and invite you," I explain and try to smile a bit. Alex try to smile back. He almost convinces me with his smile, but he looks to shocked.

"Come on," I say and start to leave the lobby, "I want sushi."

     It's nearly midnight when we arrive at our room. Alex decides to take a shower but I lay down in my bed directly. I hope that Alex breaks up with his boyfriend. I feel bad because of it. But his boyfriend is a terrible boyfriend. I begin to wonder how he could cheat on someone like Alex. Alex is funny and intelligent and too precious for this world. I had so much fun with him even though he was sad. Alex definitely needs a better boyfriend. Someone who appreciates his terrible jokes (I can't imagine his boyfriend laughing) and someone who likes to make him laugh because his laugh is so pretty. When he laughs or smiles he has those cute little dimples and his eyes begin to sparkle and- oh. Oh. I should think about that whole thing again. But my thoughts are interrupted my Alex. He comes into our room and gives me a small smile.

"Thank you, Sam," he says.

"No problem. I had fun," I tell him. He smiles.

"Me too."

     He sits down on his bed and looks down on his phone.

"Oh and Alex, one last thing."


"Next time, you should get yourself a better boyfriend."

     He just nods. I think he's embarrassed. I am too. When he switches off the light, I take out my phone. I text Ann:

I think I'm in love with my roommate.

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