Chapter 2

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As we walked to The Blue Cardinal the night seemed to be colder than usual. The wind made it even worse. I hugged my coat tightly to my shivering body and wished now more than ever that I was back in our apartment with the heater going and some hot chocolate. I'm pretty sure Judy felt the same, her nose and cheeks were so red. She held her jacket just a little over her scarf. She almost looked like a criminal who just broke free from the big house and was trying not to get recognized. Despite the weather the sky was beautiful the stars were out and the moon was full, perhaps even just a little brighter than usual.

We finally arrived and I was extremely happy to see the building. Even just by opening the door the heat from inside curled all around us. "How many men do you think will come tonight?" Judy asked, finally relaxing with the heat. I could feel my muscles unclenching as well.

"I don't know, I hope a lot. Donald looks like he's going through a great deal of trouble for tonight." I thought about Charles, as I always did at the mention of soldiers, and could almost feel my heart heave a sad sigh in my chest. I missed him so much. I had no ida what tonight was going to be like. To see all those men in uniform, some even wearing the service uniform of the marines. The same uniform he proudly wore when he left. I saw Judy looking at me with a quizzical look so I gave her my best smile.

"He must really be expecting someone important tonight, he's being so generous with the heat." I plopped down into the chair in front of our one small vanity. The paint white paint was chipping and the mirror was so weathered I could swear it was a looking glass from the middle ages. "What costumes do we start in?"

"How about these, they're usually good to start in!" Judy held up the two red dresses. They were slightly above our knees, and the shortest of our costumes. We usually used them for our dance numbers. The light fabric and flowing skirt made it easier for us to do the fast paced routines that we liked to choreograph. As much as I loved these dresses I had to admit that they complimented Judy's hazel eyes more than they did my dark brown. Although, they showed off my curves more attractively than Judy's slight and less curvier body.

"Where did you find those?" We had been looking everywhere for them for weeks. They went missing around the same time we heard about the auditions at Joe's.

"I found them at the bottom of the trunk. We got so excited and packed early that I guess we didn't take notice of what we put in there. Oh, do you want to wear this one for your first solo?" She held up a beautiful long plum purple dress. The sleeves were made of sheer lace and looked as if it were to hug the arms and accentuate the dainty slenderness of them. The shoulders swooped as if they were meant to stay and hang off the shoulders. It was beautiful, but there was one problem, I was a little shorter than Judy. Okay, so, maybe more than a little I'm about four inches shorter than her, but Judy was five foot seven. The dress next to her looked like it would reach her ankles. I could only imagine how long it would be on me.

"Oh, that is beautiful, and I'd love to wear it, I don't know if it will fit though. Wouldn't that be too long?"

She chuckled."No, the dress is just fine. I made sure that I got the right measurements for the tailor. I had Betty pick it up while you were out getting groceries. You know it was incredibly difficult to get those measurements since you decided to dub yourself as the Miss Havisham of California. Anyway, I think I did a good job of keeping it quiet. Do you like it?"

"I-I love. . ." I couldn't speak I was so flabbergasted it was such a thoughtful gift. "I love it Judy! I can't believe you did this. It's so beautiful, and with so much material being rationed it must have costed a lot."

"Never mind about the price. You've been feeling down in the dumps about Charles and I thought this would cheer you up and remind you of how beautiful you are. Oh, don't cry, I just thought it would be nice. I mean, I know your birthday is coming up in a few weeks. . ." It was too late the tears were streaming down my face. I couldn't help it. Everything made me cry these days. My mother said it was depression and that it would wear off as time went by, I wasn't so sure about that. I knew Judy was worried about me as were my parents and Charles' parents. I tried to hide it as best I could but the blasted tears always came. Even when I fought them. The dress was beautiful and Judy was as always wonderful to think of getting me the dress even with fabric being rationed. It must have costed more than I dared to think. She came next to me and put her arm around my shoulders. "Please don't cry. What's wrong?"

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