Chapter 2---The Teachers

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  • Dedicated to Lindsay

A/N: Hey guys, TheAlternativeRuler is back, ready to give you more Prince Perseus Jackson! Do any of you remember how I said in the first chapter's first A/N that the characters weren't demigods, gods, mythical creatures, etc. that they usually would be? Well, if you don't, I'm reminding you now. CHIRON IS NOT A CENTAUR AND ATHENA IS NOT THE GODDESS OF WISDOM FOR THE PURPOSES OF THIS FANFICTION!!! Now you know.



The Teachers

Percy's POV

"Father! Stop! She didn't do anything wrong! Leave mom alone!" I screamed, pulling against my restraints.

"PERCY!" my mom shrieked as my father grabbed her arm and began to pull her out of the room. She clawed at the floor, but it was no use. With one final yank, my father broke her grip...and she was gone.

"NOOOOOO!" I screamed in agony.


"AHHHHHH!" I yelled, bolting upright in my bed. Cold sweat was dripping down my face and back, and I was breathing heavily.

When I realized where I was---and that what I'd seen wasn't real---I held my head in my hands, and shuddered. "It was just a dream, only a nightmare," I whispered to myself, shaking my head. Even though I was mumbling these things to myself, I couldn't get my dream-mom's screams out of my head. My name, being said with agony and despair, bounced around the inside of my skull.

Eventually, I pulled myself together enough to take my head out of my hands. When I groggily looked out my bedroom window, I realized that the sun was high in the sky, and that I was probably late for training with Chiron.

"Crap!" I threw the covers off and ran to my closet, tearing off my nightclothes as I went. I quickly threw on the appropriate clothes for sword practice, and ran out the door.

I thumped down the stairs, and ran into the kitchen. The maids and butlers were cleaning up the remains of breakfast, so I grabbed an muffin, popped it in my mouth, and ran outside.

Chiron was standing in the training field, shooting arrows at targets more than 50 ft. away. He was extremely tall, with long limbs built for the bow and had curly brown hair that sat atop his head. When he heard my boots thundering across the grass, he lowered his bow and shook his head at me, smiling. Unlike my father's cold, hard smiles, his were genuine, and they crinkled the edges of his kind brown eyes with smile lines.

"You're late again, Percy," he said.

Chiron treated me like a son (well, more like a grandson, but whatever). He'd always correct every minute detail of my form, he'd push me till I was absolutely dripping in sweat, and he never, ever called me anything other than Percy when he was talking to me.

"," I said between pants.

"You always sleep in too late, Sleeping Beauty," I laughed with him at that, knowing it was very true.

"Alright, alright," Chiron managed to say, "Get out a practice sword and meet in the ring."

"Will do," I sarcastically saluted my fighting instructor and ran off to the practice weapons shack. I grabbed a good, strong practice sword and ran back to the ring.

The ring was a huge circle---which was outlined with a pattern of colored stones---placed in the middle of the training field. Chiron was standing in the middle of it, a practice sword of his own resting in his hand.

"Good, you're back. Now let's start with some basic moves to get you warmed up," Chiron said. He started thrusting his sword forward, then jabbing up, then spinning around to slice back, then repeat.

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