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Omggggeeeeeee. I got a job for summer!!!!!Hindi ako mapakali sobra. Parang natanggal ang lagnat ko sa email na nabasa ko ngayon lang. Tomorrow, I'll start studying for my finals. I got two exams which I think is pretty great. Most of my friends got 3 exams so I'm fortunate. I'll try to publish more chapters since it's been a long time.


Israel Aitken Point Of View

Wearing our Royal Canadian Air Force uniform, we step inside the building of Camp General Emilio Aguinaldo, AFP headquarters in Philippines. A battalion from U.S Navy is next to us as well. Filipino soldiers around are saluting for us.

"At ease" our colonel shouted. We stand up stiff and firm, facing General Carlito Galvez Jr., Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces of the Philippines. "Sir Good Morning Sir" both Canadian and U.S soldier greeted the general.

"Good Morning" the General greeted back.

"Aitken" my Colonel called me, so I step in.

"Yes Sir" I respond. I salute to the general of the AFP. "Captain Israel Aitken Sir. Royal Canadian Air Force. Sir, we are here in behalf of United Nation to promote peace in the nation sir." I stand up firm, brought up my arm and my bicep is parallel to the ground. My hand and wrist are straight, the elbow inclined slightly forward, and my forearm is at a 45-degree angle to the ground. Keeping my fingers and thumb straight and in line with each other.

"General Carlito Galve Jr. Thank You for your help" I accept his offered handshake before going back to my line. This is it, there's no turning back anymore. I had a big fight with my parents before I get here. I'm gonna lie if I'd say I wasn't thinking about them. I'm trying to be firm yet I couldn't stop melting. Until now, I'm still confuse.

After knowing the customs we were sent to our temporary barracks. Soon, we'll be divided after sorting all of the things out. For sure we'll be send to different deployment. Before getting in the Military Aircraft, my mom phoned me. She cried, begging. I had a degree of Business Administration major in General Management and Marketing but right  after I graduate I went to the Military Academy. I don't know, but something was alluring to be a soldier, how ironic is that. I should be scared because Van died in his deployment but I'm not. My parents pleaded to me, they were against about it....of course.

"Aitken" a comrade's voice calling, waking me up from my deep thoughts. I stand up hastily, he wags his head beckoning me.

"What's up?" I ask. He pats my shoulder

"The general wants to talk to you" he blabs, my brow rise up a bit. "The old general were there too. They want to talk to you" he adds. I nod my head and walk inside the building.

I immediately salute as soon as I see them. Four of them are old yet there's an authority in their manners. They all smile when they saw me and clapped. "Aitken" the oldest general calls me.

"I heard so much about you" I smile. We're comfortably sitting in a circle formed sofas.

"You're like the reincarnation of Van Aitken, you two looks so similar." he compliments. "I rush here when I heard that you're here for deployment. I'm not gonna lie, when i heard that you're here I was indignant" General Yano, yes the one who sent us the letter. "I want to protect you, are you really sure about this?" I'm stupefy, why is everyone's so concern? I ain't a China Doll that needs a tender and care.

"I appreciate your concern for me General but I am elate of what I'm doing. I've serve the Canadian Air Force for 3 years now. This is my calling and it's a big pleasure for me to do this" he nods his head. Thanks, he understands me.

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