Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

James ate the rest of Leonard’s apples as Jack stood up and trotted over to him. With a soft thud he sat down opposite the former Admiral. James glanced up at him, just finishing the last apple. Jack held out a little soldier and grinned. 

“He looks like you!” he giggled, passing it over to James, who was smiling happily. 

“That is me!” he yipped, standing up. “I am the greatest pirate hunter in all the sea!” 

Jack grinned again. “I’m the best pirate on the sea!” he laughed, grabbing a door stop and brandishing it like a sword. James squeaked and quickly dashed over to a table where a quill was laying. He snatched it up and waved it at Jack. 

“Let’s play soldier and pirate!” Jack declared, sprinting to hide from James, who was already hot on his heels. James was laughing happily along with the other boy. For once they were able to forget their past hatred and get along as friends. 

“You won’t get away, pirate! Not from Lord Norrington!” he announced as Jack dove behind an ornate table. James went after him, bumping the table and knocking it over. Both boys squealed in excitement as it and all that was set upon the top came crashing down, just missing them. 

“Can’t catch me!” Jack said, clambering on top of a much larger table. James followed and retreated slightly when the piece of furniture swayed uneasily. 

“Um...Jack? We should get’s scary...” James admonished, starting to get worried. It was a high table for a little kid and would be quite the fall. Jack shook his head. 

“Scared of a table, Lord Norrington?” he teased impishly, moving it so it swayed more. James whined softly. 

“Jack, we’ll get in trouble!”

“No, we won’t!” he assured, leaping at James and swatting at his quill sword with his doorstop one. James grinned at the challenge and went to meet it, play fighting with his new buddy. 

The table swayed dangerously now, the movement on top of it far too rigorous for it to hold up. James was constantly wary of this fact, watching where he stepped just in case. He didn’t know if Jack really knew what he was talking about. There were certain degrees of “safe” for everyone. 

Jack rolled and kicked James’s feet out from under him, one of his favorite fighting move from when he was his older self. James yelped and landed with a thud on the table. The poor piece of furniture gave up its last fight to hold itself up, deciding to get revenge on the ones who played on it. Both boys squealed as the table broke, the legs on one side snapping. 

Jack leapt off the table, agile even as a little one. He landed with a little “oofff,” cutting his lip on a part of the table leg and got a huge splinter sliver in his palm. James stared in horror as he landed on the floor and the top of the table came crashing down on him. Just as he screamed, Abigail pushed threw the door and Roz rushed into the room with Leonard trailing slowly behind her. 

“What is going on?????” both girls yowled at the same time when they saw the path of destruction the boys had caused. 



Roz rushed over to Jack, who was whimpering softly with tears in his eyes. She picked him up under his arms and quickly looked him over for anything major. 

“What hurts, Jack?” she asked softly, smoothing his hair. He mewled and showed her his hand. Roz took a deep breath then a sigh of relief. That was a fixable thing! Thank god! She glanced over at Abigail, who hurled the table off of James with a snarl. 

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