Rude Awakening

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Once again, Lawrence opened his eyes to be met with the same water-stained ceiling tiles. The whole hospital setting was getting old, fast. However, he was still thankful for waking up at all; that means he actually got sufficient sleep. Rest rarely came to him due to flashbacks and guilt. Lawrence was torn between his guilt. On one hand, he should feel guilt because it's natural for someone to feel that way when someone else is in jeopardy. But then again, he did all he could. And why should he feel bad anyway? Adam tried to ruin his career and his reputation. Then again, he's a personal investigator, so it's his job to do so.

Lawrence was shaken from his thoughts quite literally when someone lunged at him and grabbed him by the shoulders.

"You fucker! You fucking left me in there for days. After I saved your life that's the fucking thanks I get? Fuck you!" 

It was Adam. Security guards rushed over to him and began to drag him away. He was clearly fatigued from the burst of energy; slouching against the guards and quietly trailing behind the guards. It was truly a pitiful sight. And Lawrence could have sworn he heard him crying.


sorry for the short update! but i wanted to 'update' you all on my current situation (get it?). so i have  an a03 for musicals, prompt_soybean and the corresponding tumblr prompt-soybean. i made a separate tumblr account for horror asks/writings, which is the same username as the one for wattpad. my writing has improved since the last time i've written, but i am not going to change any of the old chapters for the sake of protecting the history of my writing career. thank you for being patient and feel free to check out my horror blog to chat or to send asks. thanks! 

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