Bitter-sweet Reunion

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It had been days, yet Lawrence had heard nothing regarding Adam. Not that he could really focus on that right now. All his nights had been sleepless. Alison had left him after all they had gone through. She was all that he needed. Lawrence had amputated his foot, shot someone, and been to Hell and back to save his wife. And this is how she repays him? Taking his child and running?

No, don't blame her, Gordon heard in his mind. You got her into this. This is your fault. She has more than the right to leave you behind.

At the same time, Lawrence thought that it wasn't fair that Diana got taken from him without discussion. Now that his wife left, his daughter was all that remained. But she was gone, too.

Despite being awake virtually 24/7, Lawrence remembered nothing of the passing days. Nurses came in and out, giving shots, refilling IV bags, bringing repulsive hospital food. He had no clue as to how long it had been; as to how long he'd been abandoned. The only noise in his room was the beeping of the machine he was hooked up to and the boring infomercials being replayed on some channel for 50 year old women. It was the only channel that wasn't still playing all of the 'BREAKING NEWS' garbage. Just thinking about it made him sick. People all over the area were sending him prayers and well wishes, but what would that do? Ever since he left that bathroom, he'd prayed that Adam would be able to get out. Yet, for days, nothing happened. 

The orange-fake-tanned lady now walked over to a line of purses that were ugly, but somehow very overpriced. Alison would have liked that purse. In the deep purple color. He hastily grabbed for the cheap, plastic remote and flipped to a different channel. 

"Through the power of God, you can be forgiven. You can repent. By joining us every morning, you, too, can rise above your past and live a free life thanks to the love of the Lord."

It was the morning Gospel Talk that ate up the airwaves every morning. He was familiar with the host, as he'd watched this program many times before. Alison was set to raise Diana in a religious household, and Lawrence was ready to comply. Him, being a man of science, did not specifically believe in anything greater that what had been proven, but he respected Alison's decision wholeheartedly.

Now, Gordon was met with a bitter-sweet reunion to his rebellious collage years. When he'd first joined med school after years of scientific study, he often got into debates, which were more like verbal altercations, with regular people on the street. He preached to his own choir; himself. Now, it's like he was fresh out of high school all over again. If there was a God, why did he let this happen? Why were things getting worse? Why doesn't he have anything left?

Lawrence had to restart his life. And he had nowhere to start.

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