Food for Thought

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AN: This is my first story here on Wattpad, so I'm looking forward to y'alls feedback. For right now this is a stand alone, but if I get enough votes and comments, I might be persuaded to add another part or two. Enjoy!

"Yo Camz, that restaurant you like is having a half off special tomorrow night," Dinah called to her roommate from the sofa in the living room.

"Di, I like a lot of restaurants. Which one?" Camila responded as she finished cooking dinner for the two of them.

"Les stelles. And I know you've been craving that banana pizza lately," Dinah stated with a knowing smirk. "Only problem is you have to bring a date. And you're the most single person I know."

Camila rolled her eyes playfully at the Polynesian's statement before handing the girl her food and sitting beside her. "So why can't you just go with me and be my 'date'?" She questioned, using air quotes around date.

"Sorry girl. I got a date with Mani tomorrow night. Our third one to be exact. And you know what they say about the third date," Dinah said while giving Camila a knowing smirk.

"Fine. What about Ally?"

"Date with Troy."

"Ugh, why are all of you so married?" Camila groaned in frustration before stabbing her salad with her fork.

"I could always have Mani set you up with Lauren again," Dinah suggested, causing an even louder groan from the younger Cuban.

"Dinah, I love you and Mani, but her best friend is kind of an asshole."

"Oh, come on Mila. Lauren isn't that bad. She's actually really sweet and funny once you get to know her. Not to mention hot as fu–"

"Dinah Jane don't you dare finish that sentence," Camila threatened her best friend.

"Well she is!" Dinah exclaimed. Camila just simply shook her head.

"Lauren Jauregui is an arrogant ass. Not to mention a total player. Do you not even remember what happened last time you and Mani decided to play matchmaker?!"

"Unfortunately. I still can't believe she was hitting on other girls and got their numbers while out with you. But she apologized! That's good right?"

"Whatever you say Dinah," Camila sighed. At this point Camila was really wishing she had some more friends here at college. Sure, she had endless friends back home in Miami, but here she only had a handful.

"Come on Mila. It's just dinner. And I know you love Les Stelles. I also know that you definitely can't afford it right now without a discount. So Lauren may not be your favorite person, but she's the only one available so..."

"How do you know she's available?" She asked, cocking her head to the side to look at the blonde next to her.

"I may or may not have already texted Normani and asked her to get Lauren to take you. Lauren thinks you have a nice ass by the way," Dinah smirked.

"Yeah, well tell her she can kiss it," Camila grumbled back. Dinah didn't say anything, instead typing away on her phone. A minute later the blonde burst out laughing. "What?"

"Lauren said that that's not the only thing she'll be kissing with a cat emoji. A cat emoji, Camz!" She laughed out.

"God I'm looking forward to it already," the Cuban replied sarcastically.

"Dinah Jane! Let's go! We're gonna be late!" Normani yelled at her girlfriend from the living room of her and Camila's apartment. Dinah had spent the past hour getting Camila ready for her dinner. "And Lauren's here, Mila!" She added before greeting her best friend.

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