Chapter Six

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Chapter 6 of Demiall is dedicated to @CrazyMofoWriters for the lovely request for me to update and Harry's gf description

@Directionersince2008 for guessing the RIGHT Katy Perry.

Let's begin...

"Katy? As in Katy Mixon?" Greg asks with his mouth agape. I take another stab at my plate full of food still.

"No, not Mixon." Denise laughs at her husband as he remains deep in thought.

"Okay, how about Katey Sagal?" He smiles as if he knows he's guessed it right.

"How many famous Katy's do you know?" She giggles.

"Not an actress?" His eyebrows rise and fall with the question.

"Nope. Not of the sort." Denise clarifies.

Niall has taken an interest in watching his brother and sister in law playfully bicker. I can't wait for this to be me and Niall one day. Hopefully with a few more kids, but that's years from now.

"Rhymes with Marry." Denise hints.

"Oh!" I gasp and raise a hand up to wave at everyone. "Katy Perry was here?" Sure I knew who it was but letting his brother guess the wrong Katy's was quite the entertaining and Niall would have no idea that I held any grudges against her. Kissing my 'secret' boyfriend on stage infront of MILLIONS of viewers.

"Yeah! She stopped by." Denise confirmed with a smile and shot her husband a teasing look.

A low grinding sound echoed throughout the kitchen, all eyes went to Niall as we traced where the sound had been coming from.

His phone.

"Probably management." Niall shrugs and pulls his phone out from his pocket. "Orrr not. No one make any loud noises." He tells us as he swipes his finger over his phone and presses it to his ear.

"Evening Harry, how's life?"

Niall looks perplexed for a brief moment as he takes in what one of his best friends is saying.

"Must be important." Greg whispers and Denise scolds him by glaring daggers through her eyes. I shovel a few more bites in as I over hear half his conversation.

"No Tara hasn't stopped by. I'm actually not at the apartment right now. Yeah, Demi and I are staying the weekend. You are? Sure I'll ask her and see if she wants to. Yeah, good luck to you bro, later."

Half of my food on my plate is gone and the beautiful sound of Niall"'s voice is no longer present.

"So how's Harry?" Greg coughs and attempts to sip from his drink to clear his throat.

"He's doing fine. Can't seem to get ahold of his girlfriend though. He may need to put a leash on her." Niall says a little too seriously and I kick my foot out to collide with his shin under the kitchens table.

"Oww, I was kidding." He groans and hunches over to reach his shin, his chin is nearly in his plate.

"I'm going to check on Theo, can I get anyone more to drink?" We all politely decline Denise's offer and she gets up to rinse off her plate before exiting the kitchen.

Greg picks up his napkin and dabs it around his mouth. I would do the same but I'm not finished eating yet.

I glance over my shoulder at Niall, he's back in his normal sitting upright position as he stuffs his face with the left over food on his plate still.

"Would you like to catch a movie tomorrow, Dem?"

I would, I would love to do anything with Niall. But it was too risky, love was risk and I've taken it too far at times when I shouldn't have.

Did he just use my nickname?

"Babe? You hear me?" I look up from my plate, which was still half full of food. His blue eyes are locked on mine as the sparkle from the kitchens glow.

"Uhm.." I wanted to. I really wanted to.

"I know what you're thinking." He states and places the end of his roll down. "I'll sneak in through one of the back doors. Harry has it all planned out for us, he wants us all to meet up and go out. Please?"

How can anyone say no to that adorable pout and breathe taking eyes.

"Okay" I sigh, he scoots his chair back as he stands to his feet, his hand pumping jabs into the air.

"Hell f*ckin' yeah!" He bellows and I can't help but chuckle at him.

"It's like you said 'yes' to his proposal." Greg shakes his head and picks up his last piece of chicken. "What do you think Katy wanted?" Well that wasn't the best change in subject.

Niall quickly eyes his brother as he fathers my plate and his own up from the table. He tenses as he placed the plates into the sink.

"His d!ck" I mutter under my breath, hoping no one would hear my little utter.

Unfortunately I think Greg may have over heard because he's currently choking on his chicken and attempting to sip down some water.

"We did talk about doing a collaboration. Otherwise I have no idea why she's even here." Niall turns on the faucet and he begins to rinse off the dishes.

"She knows where our family home is?" Greg asks his brother the same question I was wondering.

"Well yeah, a year ago I threw a party here, before I decided to give it to mother." Niall mentions, his index finger reaching out and flicking off the faucet.

With a quieter voice he says "she usually calls first. An unexpected visit is the last thing I need."

"Why? Why would.. Never mind." My anxiety rises and it keeps me from asking the one question I'm dying to know.

Why would she show up unexpectantly and why am I just finding out about this now?


A/N: sooo I hope this was good enough, two whole months went by and I can't believe I've slacked that bad. Feel free to be mad at me.

Okay so 5 voted and I'll update. You can leave a comment letting me know to update or to tell me I suck. Haha

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