Chapter 1 Where it started

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It was dark outside , but Rosalie didn't plan on pulling over any time soon. Rosalie had to be at the airport at 5am , if she wanted to catch her flight in time she needed to hurry. Since its nearly 4 am and she still had a while to go , and driving there was taking longer than expected. Afraid of missing her flight Rosalie suddenly increased the speed of her car so she wouldn't miss her flight. She was spending her summer at her grandmama's house in England , she just recently learned that her grandmama has breast cancer and this might be her last summer to see her. Eager to get there she pushed on the gas increasing her speed again , at this time she hadn't noticed the car that was behind her was the police.

The flashing lights that she hadn't noticed earlier finally caught her eyes. "Are you joking , you had to stop me right now." Rosalie murmured under breath with frustration as she slowly pulled over to the side of the road.

Frustrated about having to stop and wasting the time she needs to the airport, Rosalie scurries about herself looking for her licenses. As she finally finds what she had been looking for she notices who the cop is who had stopped her. As she stares at the cop in amazement , she gives a shy-like smile. It had been years since she has seen Jenna , Jenna was the cop also Rosalie's best friend in highschool. Jenna began walking over to Rosalie's car , as Rosalie rolls her window down with a smirk on her face.

"It been a while Jenna" Rosalie said happily "Its kinda funny my best friend pulled me over."Jenna didn't seem to happy as of the moment.

"Licenses and registration please" Jenna said unnerved. Rosalie handed over her licenses and registration papers over to Jenna, who snatched them quickly. Rosalie sensed that she wasn't wanted by the behavior Jenna is acting in. Rosalie was very confused about this , she didn't understand why such rude treatment was being given.

Rosalie saddened by her failed attempt to greet her once friend waited for Jenna to finish looking over her papers. "How have you been , Jenna?" Jenna gives a quick glance at Rosalie then back down on the papers.

Once Jenna was done looking at the papers , she walked over and gave me the papers. "Your lucky i was the oner who pulled you over". Jenna snickered

" Sure was". Rosalie admitted. Still confused what just had happened , Rosalie began on the road again.

Having to hurry but not trying to go over the speed limit , Rosalie rushed to get to the airport. Jenna and Rosalie had never been rude , or even fought each other. No , they were the friends that you always saw together. Oddly , Jenna one day didn't show up to school. Rosalie hadn't seen Jenna since. Rosa had spent many days and even weeks , looking and worried about her friend. Rosalie hadn't received any messages or calls from her either. " Pull yourself together Rose , theres nothing to worry about" Rosalie said attempting to reassure herself . Failing at the attempt she finds herself lost in thought.

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