Chapter 3 Home Sweet Home

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Stepping off the plane with bags in hand, Rosalie was finally home. She didn't live with her mother as a child , instead she lived with her grandmother. Young Rosalie was indeed a trouble maker , including with the boys she hung out with. Rosalie also had a older sister , but she didn't live with them. In fact Rosalie hasn't seen Lizzy since the accident.

As Rose calls for an Uber , she sees a bench near her a sits on it in front of the airport waiting for her Uber. A man decides to sit by her on the bench she had seated herself at. Rose looks up at the man and a gasp leaves from her mouth before she could stop it.  Rose quickly covered her mouth with her hand. Embarrassed , she looks down at her feet.

"Hello , my sweet rose."  The man said with a smirk as if he could read her thoughts.

"H-hi  Josh." Rose murmured nervously.

Rose looks back up to meet Joshes gaze at her. Suddenly overwhelmed with butterflies , Rose quickly stands up and walks away.  Not looking back she sat on the other bench on the other side from the original bench she  had been seated at. A couple of minutes  had passed since the weird encounter with Josh.

Finally the Uber pulls up Rose quickly gets in, about to shut the door Josh catches the door before it shuts and climbs on in. After Josh shuts the door and turns around to face Rose , he clearly sees her bewildered look at just what happened.

"Haven't you rode in the same car with someone before?" Josh says jokingly nudging Roses side with his elbow.

"Y-yes" Rose shyly says " why are you here?" Rose looks up at him with such a confused face , but it somehow caught Josh off guard ,enough to make him blush brightly as he did. " I missed my best friend" Josh whispers as it was only half-truth and half-lie.

"Well , I missed you too" Rose said in a clam voice "okay drive". The uber pulls out of the air port's parking lot and drives on.

Nearly to her grandmama's house , Rose just keeps looking out her window. Remembering all the fun she had out here with Josh and Lee , until that one day it all changed...

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