1. Moving Day

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I was dreding today, leaving all my family, my friends, especially kya who i've known for 10 years..its going to be hard saying goodbye, ill miss all our memories and everything we did together, like come on who has a shower while on the phone to their best friend huh? see were truely best friends, no one can beat us.

"come on hun" dad said to me, he was already packed and ready to go where i was crying my heart out to kya while shes trying to calm me down, its not the best thing saying goodbye, but i said to myself i'll be strong for dad. So i stood up and hugged kya, and walked off to the car, dad looked at me with sympathy in in his eyes and started the car..

It was an hour drive to glenroy, we stopped at a few servos and got something to eat, went to see a few landmarks, and just had fun driving....when your in a car with me and my dad, its seriously the best thing ever, loud music, singing like idiots, laughing at lame jokes and just being around each other. It was the best thing i could ever ask for.

Once we arrived at the new house, i was gobsmacked, i honestly couldnt beleive what dad brought, it was so big, and modern...it wasnt double story or anything but Jesus it had alot of space. 

Dad saw my face and laughed i looked at him and laughed to "what" i said, " it ain't anything special" he replied, we just laughed and walked to the front door.

While dad was opening the front door i turned around and looked down the road and saw that their was a park not to far, and up the other side, was a milk-bar, i was pretty proud of what dad and found.

As i walked in their was a lounge room on my right and a bedroom on my left, and as i was walking down the hallway i found that there were 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 2 lounge rooms, and very big kitchen, a study and a very big backyard that had a giant shed.

I walked back into the house and saw that dad brought in all the bags, "go find a room" he said "any?" i said happiness filling my voice "Yea!" he said while laughing, while i was looking at the bedrooms, i found one that had alot of space, enough to have my bed, my computer, and enough space so when kya stays she can sleep on the floor, or as she calls it...me sleeping on the floor and her taking my bed, but i don't mind cause we always end up either sharing or on the couch, comfy i know (not), also this room had a walk in wardrobe with a full length mirror on the door.

Once i found my room, out all my bags in the room, and got dad to help me with all the furniture, i was pretty proud of what i have accomplished in about i don't know 4 or 5 hours.

I was pretty tired so i went to go lay down on my bed, when i herd my dad laugh outside, i went to go to the front door to see what he was laughing at, but it turns out that he was laughing with someone, i decided i should go out and introduce my self, so i got a jacket and popped my shoes on and walked outside, and as my dad saw that i was coming, he said "this is my daughter Aubrey i was talking about" "oh yes, she is very pretty like you said" the lady said while laughing "I'm Gina" she said with the biggest smile, i felt pretty comfortable around her as i might say, "I'm Aubrey" i mentioned again.

She said she had to leave, so me and my dad said our goodbyes and walked inside, dad gave me a kiss on the forehead "I'm very proud of how Strong you've become" i started getting teary, and said good night and walked into my room, as i shut the door i stood there thinking, i have become very strong, i couldn't believe in just  2 weeks i have told my dad what was happening with mum, that dad had said that we were moving out, that he had found a place to move, and that he even said that i was coming, it HAS been a very hectic 2 weeks...but I'm very happy of how strong and close me and dad have come.

I got into my grey shorts, and black tank and jumped into bed, while thinking whats going to happen tomorrow.

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