Chapter Six (Sail Away With Me)

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*Charlii's POV*

I was in so much pain but I kept a brave face on honestly I didn't want the boys to take care off me I didn't want to wreak there holiday I laid there and stared at the roof when a pair of lips were on mine I closed my eyes and kissed back when I realised I still had a cold I pushed Zayn of

"What's wrong" he asked with concern

"I'm going to make you sick" I said looking down when I felt his fingers on my chin he was about to kiss but I moved my head to the side so he kissed my cheek he frowned

"Do you think I care, do you know I'm going to make you mine when the right moment come you will be mine" he said getting up and going into the bathroom to shower and get change for dinner I looked over at the bed side table to see the pain med I grabbed them and went to take one but two came out that shouldn't be bad I popped them in my mouth and grabbed the water bottle that were next to them and swallowed them.

Five minutes later I heard the shower turn off and the pain still was bad so I grabbed the bottle and it fell over making all the pills spill out everywhere I grabbed two again and swallowed them. I laid there for five minutes I had tears running down my face ahh why won't the pain go away I grabbed two more but before I could take them Zayn came out of the bathroom

"What are you doing your not meant to take them for another 3 and a half hours"he said grabbing them out of my hands

"No Zayn give them to me I'm in so much pain please" I aid reaching for them

"How many have you taken" he asked looking at me I turned my head so he could see my face "how many Charlii" he hissed

"F-f-four" I stuttered

"So this was going to be your fifth and sixth" I nodded "what the hell they can kill you Charlii you have to wait for them to kick in now the pain could get worse" he said picking the pills up and closing the lid and putting them in the draw

I had tears running down my face there was a knock on the door and Zayn answered it he was whispering something to the person and then I heard the door close and Liam walked into sight

"Hey Charlii" he said looking at me I turned my head so he couldn't see me I heard him sigh "why would you do it Charlii"

"Because I'm in a heap of pain"I snapped "I'm sorry I didn't mean to snap"

"It ok" he sat on the end of the bed "Do you want to watch a move?"

"Sure" he grabbed the tv remote and turned it on and flicked through the channel until he finally found one with a movie and laid on Niall"s bed and watched it..

We laid there and waited for the others to get back after the movie finished all the boys came in laughing and chatting Zayn went over to Liam and started whispering to him and Liam whispered something back to him Zayn nodded and walked over to me

"How you feeling?" He asked

"I'm ok, I'm sorry Zayn I was just in pain" I said looking down

"It's ok"

"Ok boys, do you want to go to bed or to the late night show" Liam asked

"Late night show" Harry, Louis and Niall said

"Ok well Zayn you going to stay" Liam asked Zayn nodded and the boys left

"Well tomorrow if you can walk I'm taking you on a date" Zayn said I smiled

"Ok seems like fun" I said he nodded and smiled

"We'll wanna watch a movie" he asked

"Well there's nothing else to do" I said he smiled and flicked through the channels and until he found a movie and took his shirt off then came and laid next to me. I laid my head on his bade chest and heard his heartbeats.

"I've seen this movie" Zayn said

"What's it called" I asked not even paying attention to it

"Hunger game" he said "have you never seen it"

"Err maybe once" i said paying attention to the movie

I started to drift off when I felt Zayn get up

"What are you doing" I asked

"I'm going to sleep on the couch so I don't hurt you by accident" he said pulling the couch out into a bed

"No I will sleep on it this is your bed after all" I said trying to get up

"No your ill and I'm already comfy" he said laying down I smiled and rolled my eyes and fell asleep......

**Zayn's POV**

I laid there and watched her sleep, stalker much yeah maybe a little, I turned my head and began to watch the movie... I knew I shouldn't have left her this morning what if Liam wasn't there when she fainted or if she fainted and hit her head I would never forgive myself....

Hmm what am I going to do for our date tomorrow. I sat there and thought when a idea finally popped into my head I smiled and got up and wrote it all down so I didn't forget I ripped the piece of paper and put in the draw I grabbed out those pills and stared at them she must have been in so much pain I shook my head and put the down. I walked up to her and smiled she looked so peaceful and calm I pushed her hair of her face and kissed her forehead.. When I felt the boat tip up then down I stumbled back and the table making a mug fall over making a bang at least it didn't smash

"Zayn are you ok" I turned and looked at her

"Yeah I'm ok" I said

"The storm must be close" she said with a little bit of fear in her eyes

"Do you want me to lay down with you until you fall asleep..?" I asked she nodded and moved over a little I got in a pulled the blanket up over us, she laid her head on my bare chest I closed my eyes

"Zayn" she said

"Hmm" I said waiting for her to speak

"I'm really really sorry for taking those tablets I was just in a lot of pain"

"It's ok " I said after a few moment I heard her soft snore and i quietly got up and laid down on the pull out sofa I closed my eyes and a few moments later I heard Niall come in but that's all I know before I fell asleep.....

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