This chapter is just a filler. I know something's might not make since right now but I promise the more I update everything will.. sorry for the grammer mistakes!! Hope you guys enjoy!!!
Lots of love to you all💜💛💙Turns out that Alexander who is Luca' s third is Annabelle's second chance mate.
"You boys show up and claim three of my pack members." Alpha Jason laughed.
Annabelle came outside to tell the Alpha he had a phone call waiting only to have found her second chance mate.
Ashley had left immediately to go to her parents house. Alpha Jason's Beta and third had left as soon as they seen there would be no fight.
"I think I'm going crazy!" Amanda muttered.
"Your not the only one. Crazy house for two please!" I grin at her.
"I'm going to sleep for tonight. Bye girl see you in the morning babes!" Amanda laughed hugging me. Which was cut short by two very possessive assholes growling.
"MINE!" They yell together.
"Oh god! You two stop that shit. This is my bestfriend!!" I told the two men.
Their eyes changed back to their greens and both looked sheepishly at the ground.
"I'm gonna go get Dest. See ya in the morning." I tell my bestfriend.
She nods as I took off running hearing a Alpha not far behind me.
"Are you two seriously playing tag?" Allen yelled. That caused a few snickers.
"Obviously and he's it." I yell back.
All to soon I made it to the packs back door.
"Avery running from me isnt very nice." Luca murmured in my ear with his hands around my waist.
"But I thought you liked the chase." I mock him.
"Oh trust me I do." He chuckled.
"Especially in these shorts." He added causing my face to be a tamatos twin I'm sure.
I started walking in the house but the Alpha wouldn't move so he walked behind me.still holding my waste.
"Avery!" A man yelled for me.
"Yes Michael?"
"Samantha wanted to see you up in the nursery. It's about one of the babies."
I nodded and started making my way towards the nursery. With Luca' s arms still around me of course.
I walk in to be greeted with five little newborns crying.
"Whats up Sammy?" I ask the 22 year old nursery worker.
"I need your help. I'm not sure what to do?"
"With what?"
"This little boy won't settle down im not sure what's going on!"
"Luca can you let go for a second babe?" I ask him. He does.
I take the little boy who us a orphan wolf we found and puck him up.
"Do you have any breast milk?"
"Hes been eating formula."
"I don't need it for him to drink Sammy." I giggle. I took the baby's clothes off then his diaper. He had a small rash on his butt.
"Here." Sam said handing me a bag of breast milk.
"Your such a good little guy!" I coo causing him to giggle. I pour some breast milk on his butt and pour a little in a clean diaper and put it in him.
"He should be okay now. Every time you change his diaper just put a little on his butt untill it isn't red anymore." I tell her as I pick the little guy up.
"All better cutie?"
He just giggles again. I hand him back to a very greatful Sammy.
"Gotta go get my munchkin now." I smile at her.
"Thanks Avery!" She praises. I nod and head back out of the door to see a very embarrassed Luca.
"Whats wrong?" I ask.
He just turns around. He had baby puke on his shoulder and down his back.
I giggle and take off walking to the Luna's room with a very grumpy Luca behind me.
I knock and hear a faint come in. I push the door open to reveal a happy looking Luna and Destiny.
"Ma'am." I nod in respect.
"Mommy! Can we go watch sleeping beauty?" Destiny begs.
"Of course kido." Luca answered.
I hear the Luna laugh quietly.
"Is there anything I can get you Luna?" I ask her.
"No thank you dear! Thank you for letting Destiny spend time with me. She's the best company to keep!"
"Thank you ma'am! I hope you have a good night Luna!" I tell her with a nod.
We exit the room and go straight to my bedroom.
"Dest you got to have a bath first." I tell her.
"Okay mama."
I gather all of her bathing materials and scoop her up. Luca said he was going to find sleeping beauty and put it on.
After bathing my talkative daughter I dry her and put on her hello kitty pajama set and a pair of socks. I pull her long hair in a bun and we go back to my room.
Luca was sitting there in his dirty shirt, he looked up at me as I was laying Destiny in her crib and his eyes turned gold.
I pressed play on the movie.
"Do you want to go shower or can I?" I ask him.
"You can baby. I'll take one after you." He smiled.
I thanked heaven's I had a bathroom connected to my bedroom.
I grabbed a pair of cookie monster shorts and a white tanktop and went to take my shower.
Once I was done I put my hair in two French braids down my head and rubbed my lotion on. I put on a pair of white socks because my feet get cold easily.
I walked back in my room to see Luca at Destinys bed smiling sdoftly at her sleeping form.
"I'm sorry Avery. I'm so sorry!" He said as he was looking at me.
'You didn't know the whole story Luca its fine." I reply softly.
"I know but I fell like such a ass. Your a good mother to her Avery. I'm sorry baby!" He said cupping my face. I leaned my face into his touch.
"Your forgiven. You've helped me alot with her today." I say looking into his beautiful green eyes.
"She is a part of you Ave. She belongs to me just like you do. I might mess up and act like a ass sometimes but I will thank the Moon Godess every day for blessing me with you two." He kissed me on my forehead and walked into the bathroom.
I changed DVD's. I put in The Family, a mafia movie and laid down in bed after I pressed play.
Luca walked into the room shortly after wearing basketball shorts and a white muscle shirt. His big arms looked lickable.
"This is my favorite movie." He chuckled.
"Mine too."
"Can I lay with you?" He ask quietly.
I pulled the cover back and patted the spot beside me. He got in bed a few seconds later.
Mia purred in delight.
'Mate is so handsome.' She purred. I couldn't help but agree with her.
I felt his arms wrap around me and he put his face in the crook of my neck and inhaled deeply.
I turned around to face him, leaving his arms wrapped around me.
"Thank you." He said softly.
"For what?"
"Not rejecting us."
"I wasn't going to finish the rejection today. I couldn't of." I admit softly.
"I wouldn't reject you Avery that is a promise baby." He added. I buried my face in his chest.
'Thank you Moon Godess!' Was my last thought as the darkness took over me.