Robbie Rotten {2}

679 31 12

This was meant to be published later on tonight, but I couldn't help myself.

After seeing Glanni Glæpur and Íbróttaálfurinn dance around stage for an hour and fifty minutes I couldn't resist..


I'm finally free... Hah.. The voices are gone..

Sportacus wasn't one to loose his composure. He always knew how to handle things. Always.

But the moment his crystal began to beep, and the image of Robbie's lair popped into his mind, he was filled with dread.

Quickly, he dropped from his airship and ran to end edge of town, opening the hatch that was Robbie's front door and diving into the lair.

The first thing he heard were soft cries. He immediately rushed to the sound, and he paled, feeling the inside of his mouth dry up.

"Robbie..?!" He rushed to the villain's side, his hands shaking as he gently shoved the villain. "Robbie, what the hell..?!" His eyes slowly drifted down to the villain's arms, and he almost gagged.

"Oh my god.. Oh no... No no nonono ROBBIE!" Sportacus's eyes filled with tears as he shook the villain with all his might. "ROBBIE PLEASE!" He began to sob, his shakes becoming more gentle as he lost more composure.

"R-Robbie! P-please-!" He choked, his shoves finally ceasing. "I.." He let out a hiccup. He quickly stood up, and found Robbie's first aid kit.

He wrapped the injuries with some of the bandages and kissed the bandaged cuts tenderly. "Robbie.." He whispered.

He carried Robbie to his favorite chair, and waited, talking to the unmoving, barely breathing body that was the villain's.

"I.. Really like you, you know..? Despite what the kids say, I admire you.. You're extremely kind sometimes, and I see that.. You're an amazing person, Robbie, and I can't believe you hurt yourself like this, but.. When you wake up, I'll protect you..!" Sportacus decided, smiling faintly, before frowning. He gently kissed the villain's forehead, and fixed his hair, before cuddling up next to him.

"Robbie, you're not Rotten at all.. You're extremely special to me.. Please be okay.. Please... I'm going to wait for you.. I promise.."

And wait Sportacus did. He waited.

And waited..

And waited....

About three days later, the hero was starving, but he hadn't moved from his spot. He watched Robbie hopefully, watching for any movements of signs of life.

When Sportacus found none, his began to tear up. "Why...? Why??" He sobbed. "Why did it have to be you?!" Tears streamed down his face, and he shook furiously. "Why.. Why you..? Why the person I'm in love with.." He buried his face in the crook of Robbie's neck.

"I love you, Robbie Rotten.." He choked.


"I love you, Robbie Rotten.."

He must be telling the truth.. He seems so distressed.. I need to wake up..

Robbie groaned softly and began to move, his body still weak. He opened his eyes slightly, and saw the hero clutching onto him tightly, whilst crying.

Robbie bit his lip and weakly wrapped his arms around Sportacus, which caused the SportsCandy freak to gasp.

"Robbie..? ROBBIE!!" The hero hastily pressed kisses to every centimeter of Robbie's face, shaking faintly.

Robbie smiled softly. "Sportacus.." He whispered. He lifted his hand and cupped the hero's cheek with it, kissing his forehead.

"Robbie, I'm so glad you're okay!" Sportacus exclaimed. His voice was a bit hoarse.

Robbie's eyebrows furrowed in worry. "You don't sound too good, Sportacute, are you okay?" He whispered.

Sportacus, whilst blushing at the nickname, shook his head no. "I promised I'd wait for you to wake up, so I didn't leave your side.. I haven't eaten or drank anything for days.."

Robbie stood up. "That won't do." Sportacus quickly pushed him back down to the chair.

"I'll go get something, you stay here. You've got a lot of explaining to do, alright? A lot. You had me worried sick!"

Robbie looked down guiltily, until suddenly, Sportacus grabbed the collar of his shirt and pressed his lips to the villain's. Robbie's eyes widened, before he kissed back, a small smile on his lips.

Sportacus pulled back, blushing and looking away. "Don't ever hurt yourself again... I was so scared..." He whispered.

Robbie cradled the hero close and kissed the top of his head. "I'll.. Try not to.."

Sportacus hummed softly. "That's all I need... Oh, and Robbie..?" He looked up at the villain.

"Yes?" Robbie asked.

"I.. Love you.." He whispered.

Robbie looked surprised by the statement, but then he smiled and said, "I love you, too," to the hero.

His hero.

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