Leap Of Faith

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I'm just gonna point out that I listened to "I hate u I love u" and "Chandelier" the entire time.

Angst and suicide attempt.


_Tartt_ gave me the idea kinda. Not the entire plot just the attempt *shrug*


Fluff is coming soon I swear-

Sportacus smiled, getting prepared for bed. It was just about 8:08. Everyone should be asleep by now. Sportacus thought, laying down to go to sleep.


At around midnight, Sportacus' crystal began to glow and vibrate, waking him from his slumber. "Someone's in trouble.. But who at this hour..? The kids are asleep.." He closed his eyes, and saw a vision of Robbie- on the top of his billboard.

"Why would my crystal go off if he was just getting fresh air.. Unless.."

The sport elf's eyes widened, and he threw himself out of bed.

"DOOR!" He screamed. The door responded by opening, and Sportacus jumped out of the airship, free falling until he pressed the '10' on his chest.

A hang glider appeared out of thin air and he grabbed the handles, descending to the middle of town. He let go of the bar and flipped in midair, landing on one knee once he hit the ground.

He took off in a sprint, not even bothering to return the glider to it's smaller form, and just leaving it in the middle of town.

He gulped as he hopped and flipped from wall to wall, moving as quickly as he could to the villain's lair.


Robbie wiped his eyes as he balanced on the top center of the billboard in front of his lair entrance, staring at the ground.

Would this kill me, or just severely injure me..?

He thought to himself. He looked at the scars and cuts in his arms, and he held back sobs of despair.

"ROBBIE!" A voice yelled. It sounded desperate.

Robbie ignored the voice. "It's now or never.." He whispered to himself, before jumping off of the billboard, screwing his eyes shut tight.

"No.. NononoNO! ROBBIE!!" Sportacus picked up his pace, running faster toward the now falling man.

He was mere feet away from Robbie when he jumped towards the villain, catching him safely in his arms. When he realized he'd run into the billboard, which would mean Robbie would take most of the impact, he acted quick and turned backwards in midair.

His back collided roughly with the metal frame of the billboard, causing the air to be knocked out of the blue-clad hero. He coughed weakly and winced, his eyes shut tightly.

"Ah.. Robbie.." He coughed. Robbie looked at Sportacus, his mind struggling to catch up to what'd happened.

As soon as his mind caught up with the current situation, he was taken aback when Sportacus started laughing and hugging him tightly, shaking.

"Robbie.. Haha Robbie y-you're okay.. I.." He paused to let out a hearty laugh, tears pooling at the corners of his eyes.

"I thought I'd be too late.." He whispered, before letting out a strangled sob of happiness.

Robbie went to speak up, but he held back his words and cuddled into his savior's embrace, enjoying the warmth radiating form him. "Sportacus, did I wake you up?"

Sportacus stared at Robbie, baffled. "That's not important! Are you okay??" He began looking for any damage done by the fall.

When he reached Robbie's arms, the villain recoiled. "That's enough searching, Sportacute- I-I mean Sportakook.." He huffed.

"Robbie." Sportacus held his hand out. "Let me see your arms."

Robbie shook his head, before Sportacus sighed. "You're gonna make me do this the hard way..?"

"Uh.. The what-" Robbie began.

(_Tartt_ you're gonna love this.)

Sportacus tackled Robbie in one swift movement, stunning the villain. He took off his hat and held the top of it in his teeth, grabbing both of Robbie's hands, and pinning them above his head.

He then bound Robbie's hands with his hat, huffing softly.

Robbie was trying desperately to rid any dirty thoughts that came into his mind uninvited.

Sportacus rolled Robbie's sleeves up and gasped at what he saw. His eyes rapidly began to fill with tears. "Robbi.. Why..?" He whispered.

Robbie looked away from Sportacus. "Because I'm a failure, that's why. A mistake... I'm pathetic, useless, disgusting, idiotic, and worst of all-"

Robbie's eyes widened.

Sportacus had pulled him in close and had kissed him just to shut him up.

Robbie kissed back after a while, and Sportacus took an opportunity to deepen the kiss.

They pulled away after a while, both panting softly. Sportacus kissed from Robbie's cheek, down his jawline.

"You're none of those things, Robbie. You're amazing.." He muttered.

Robbie, feeling like he was on cloud nine, simply nodded. His entire body felt numb.

"I'm watching you from now on.. No buts.. At least until you get better.." Sportacus determined, smiling faintly.

Robbie chuckled, sighing faintly. "Whatever you say, SportaCutie~"

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