I woke up and I was still alone. I pushed my hair out of my eyes as I stood. I reached for my blade that had fallen from my scabbard. I wandered the ruins lonely and scared, the place looked destroyed, the moat that was once blue had turned luminous green, there were bats flying around and little creatures, I saw big creatures with their stomachs gaping open, if I remembered correctly they were Abominations. I kept walking but my boot steps were very loud and it caught the attention of these creatures.

One snapped its head towards me, I panicked and began to run as fast as my boots would carry me, the upside was these things were slow. I ran out of the gates and onto the path, it was dark and dingy I didn't know where to go I was homeless and familyless I wanted my father more than ever, I decided to search for him I wandered many towns asking after Arthas Menethil but I didn't get any answer the people only shook their heads and closed their doors to me, there was something fearful about them.

I took a Friesian steed from the towns stable and I galloped through the forests of Azeroth. I found myself stumbling up on Elwynn Forest, I knew Stormwind was close and that's where I headed, but I also knew Varian could help me but as I entered the guards surrounded me, their swords pointed at me. I was torn from my horse and thrown to the floor, I landed on my knees and I began to cry, I was frightened and I began to hyperventilate so I passed out. I wake up but not in a dungeon but in a room decorated with finery, I found my golden mane to be braided back and I was no longer in my armour but a dress.

I sat up with a hand pressed to my forehead. "Lament?" I heard a familiar voice call.

"J...Jaina..." I stuttered. She walked out of the shadows, her teary eyes meeting mine.

"It really hurts to look at you." She said dropping her eyes to the ground. She sat. On the edge of the bed and took my hands in hers still looking away from me, I tried pulling away but she only gripped my hands tighter. "I know you don't like me but you and I are all we have." She told me.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"A....Arthas, you're father was consumed with Frost Mourne trying to save his city, but it turned him evil. He now resides in Icecrown, we need to free him." She told me.

"I'll go, he may recognise me." I told her.

"No, it's too dangerous." She replied. I got up regardless, walked behind my changing blinds and saw my armour placed there so I got changed into it. I pulled my braid out and shook my mane free. "Lament, please don't be so stupid the curse is strong, he will kill you." She warned me.

"It's my father he won't." I replied confidently, even if I was nervous inside.

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