That eve I sat in the Armoury sharpening my blade the stone causing sparks to fly off it, how I thought about my father. 'No he couldn't be evil, he was so kind.' I told myself. I knew I was in denial and pushing the pain down deep. We were headed to Icecrown as I was told that was my fathers citadel. That eve we saddled up and rode to the great citadel we rode hard for a couple of days not stopping, till having to leave the steeds with the gryphon master.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" One of the guards asked me.

"I've come this far." I answered nervously.

So we all mounted gryphons and we were flown to the Argent Dawn tournament area before walking to Icecrown. We kept ourselves as low as we could, the wind whistled around the mountains the snow fell heavily making it hard for us to see into the distance, we were clad in furs but that still didn't stop the cold, we had to fight a few monsters and I lost a few men.

I was getting nervous the closer we stepped toward the citadel.  We could see it was very well guarded, we reached the gates and once again we were attacked, our blades slashing into the undead creatures, one kicked my legs out from under me, another slaughtered my men till it was just me. I was suddenly pushed over the edge, I screamed as I fell, I hit the frozen lake with a thud, it cracked beneath me, my head hurt I saw crimson pitter pattering on the ice.

"You've gotta be kidding me!" I exclaimed. I began to push myself off the ice, I cried out realising my leg was broken. I was surrounded by knights clad in black armour with blue glowing around them. I didn't shiver, I didn't back down, I held my blade tightly in hand. Two of the Knights approached me, one being a Sin' Dorei, the other held the unmistakable Frostmorune blade. "Lower your weapons warrior, you shall not win!" He told me, his voice somewhat familiar and echoed around the mountains.

It sent a shiver down my spine, it was only now that I realised that the wind had got up and tangled my mane. I suddenly felt warm breath on the back of my neck . I turned around slowly, two Taurens stood behind me. "Take her into the citadel, she looks like a fit candidate to become a soldier!" The one with the blade exclaimed.

"No!" I yelled fighting against the Taurens grips.

"Wait." The Sin' Dorei ordered. They paused and before I knew what was happening I was knocked over the head with the hilt of his blade. I fell limply into the arms of the Taurens, my vision going in and out of focus, my hearing muffled till finally I passed out. Next time I wake up I am chained down to a wooden table, limbs hang above me, the whole room is red, blood drips down the wall.

"What's going on?" I asked with a slightly dazed tone.

"None of your  concern, all you need to know is you will be reborn!" A Forsaken told me, resting their boney hand on my arm.

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