Chapter 1

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And so begins another day of my crappy life. I have literally the most confusing life ever and I ain’t kidding ‘bout that, my reason to why I say that is simple as shit. At school I’m literally the biggest ‘nerd’, but the moment I’m out of school people call me a damn delinquent all because there is some fuckers that tend to work on my god damn nerves , which is irritating as shit!

“Erik get your ass out of the bed!” I hear my lil’ twin sister shouting.
“Would it kill ya to mind your language Alexis!” I shout back while getting out of my bed to get dressed for school.
“Maybe I would if you would wake up on your own!”
“Shut up would ya I’m up yea know.”
“Just get your ass down here before your breakfast gets cold”
“A’ight I’ll be down in a sec”

As I head downstairs I hear Alexis talking on hear phone to someone. I really didn’t care who it was until I heard her saying “Sure I’ll anything for you Jack”. Me being the over-protective big brother that I am decided that I need to step in now. I walked past her and swiped the phone from her even though I heard her shouting at me I ignored her and paid attention to the phone.
“Yo who are you and what the fuck do you want with Alexis?”
“Don’t ask me who the fuck I am, who the fuck are you!?” Wow this motherfucker think he’s smart to actually talk back to me I’m impressed.
“I’m her older brother and you?” I can’t wait to hear this bullshit hahahahahaha.
“I’m her friend and nothing more.” Cocky bastard I thought as I turned to Alexis who clearly is pissed as hell.
“Here you go Lexi” I said as I tossed her phone to her.
“A’ight I won’t do that again but first tell me who is this ‘Jack’ person is?” I asked while going to eat my now cold breakfast. As im looking at her waiting on an answer I see that she is getting flustered, which means, I guessed right by saying she likes this cocky bastard. God damn it, honestly at times like this I really wish that my parents were alive cause I have no idea how do I deal with this.

Damn, now that I think about it I really miss them, I can’t believe that it’s been two years without them, but even though I miss them I know that they are in a better place and I’m sure they would be proud of us for coming this far on our own.

Our parents died in a car accident while on their way to a hot springs for their Anniversary, because Lexi and I told them they deserve a break from us since we are always bothering them.

When the news came to us Lexi kept on blaming herself for our parents  passing own and kept on saying “It’s all my fault, I should be the one dead instead of them” I swear that was the worst feeling I ever experienced in my life. After the funeral my Grammy and Gramps took us in since we wouldn’t go with anyone else, but after a year we decided that we want to live on our own so we can be independent and so that we can get use to the fact that it is just the two of us left and learn to cope with that fact.

“-ik, -rik, ERIK!!!” I hear Lexi shouting.
“Yes woman, what!?”
“I’ve been calling you for the last 5 minutes, you idiot! If we don’t leave now we going to be late for school!”
“Then leave first Miss Popular!”
“Fine I’m going Nerdy!” Lexi shouted as she threw the door behind her.
Oh yeah that’s right as fucked up as it is Lexi is the school’s princess that every boy drool over, well besides me, and I’m the nerd of the school AS WELL as the damn princess’s older brother which in my opinion is really fucked up!
As I leave the house I notice the ‘prince’ of the school Jack Fisher who is the captain of our basketball team and also refuse to put me on the team even when the team is fucking losing, oh and he is also Alexis crush, amazing right? Wrong! The fact that she likes him fucks with everything!
I also took note that my only yeah that’s right ONLY friend is with him ‘Well ain’t that a dick move’ I thought.

“Yo Erik” I hear Gaz saying.
As I’m closing the gate I greet him back “Sup Gaz” then we did our ‘special’ handshake which is just one confusing as shit thing to do but thankfully my short term memory did not fail me here Ha nice.

I hear Jack mumbling something not sure what but Gaz shuts him up real quick which is just hilarious as hell, but I keep that to myself before I ruin my ‘school nerd’ title. As Jack and his crew full of bitches leave Gaz tell me “From what I heard Mr. Perfect might lose his place as team captain to you Erik, because it seems that Coach has been watching our matches we have against each other during practice.”Gaz laughed and I grinned brightly.

Looks like this year I might actually have fun and I’m going to enjoy every moment of it.


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