Chapter 2

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As we walked to school, we were chatting ‘bout the most random and well kinda stupidest things, but neither of us mind since we know each other since we were about toddlers so in other words Gaz and I are childhood friends. We had many friends but they all just started to ignore Alexis and myself since the death of our parents, well all of them besides Gaz of cause.

When we reached to the school Gaz told me that he have to meet some girl who confessed to him yet again. I swear that guy gets confessed to at least one hundred time every damn day and to be frank its kinda, no not kinda it is hella annoying.
“I guess I’m on my own until whenever that idiot gets back” I sighed.

“Uhm, excuse me” I hear someone say softly. As I turn around and I see a petite girl looking at me.

“Yea, can I help you with anything?” I ask politely. ‘God I hate acting like this.’ I think to my frustratingly.

“I’m new here so I have no idea where I am, do you think you can maybe help me to the office.” She asked me shyly.

“Yea sure, just follow me.” I grinned.

Ha she’s a shy and she’s new, well that explains to why the hell she is talking to me, go figure. I have to admit she’s pretty cute and it seems like all this girl knows how to do is blush. It’s kinda cute though. No wait, what the fuck is wrong with me!? Why am I thinking this?

“Um, I know you said to follow you but you kind of haven’t moved at all.” She tells me looking slightly confused.

“O-oh, my bad, sorry let’s go.”

I start to walk and laugh awkwardly while scratching the back of my head. Like what the fuck Erik, just your damn head in order and don’t pull any of the love at first site crap ‘cause I swear if you do I’m going to remove all your games for your computer understand! Yes sir, I’m sorry sir. Wait why the fuck am I having a conversation with myself when here’s a real cute girl right next to me!? God damn it I did it again! Hey look we at the office again oh goody.

As I turned around to face her I notice that her face is like extremely close to mine and I can feel mine beginning to burn up, I turn my face away real quick.
“So we have arrived at the office so see ya!”
As I’m about to sprint away I hear her yell ‘Stop’. So what do I do? Simple I turn around like an idiot. I swear I literally just face palmed myself for being an idiot.


“Thanks for showing me to the office!” She says happily. “If you hadn’t be there I’m sure I would’ve been lost still.” She laughs

As I gain my composer I reply with “Nah it’s a’ight and I’m pretty sure if you hadn’t asked my I would have been bored as hell either way” I chuckled.

“Well thanks again, uhm-”

“Erik, Erik Johnson.” I say attempting to sound cool which fails horribly since my damn glasses fell off my face!

“Damn glasses why the hell are you falling off my face at the worst times possible” I mumbled. She giggles when she hear my mumbling.

“Nice to meet you Erik, I’m-.”

The school bell suddenly goes off causing me to look at my phone and what’s the fuckin’ I see. It’s eight FUCKIN thirty. As I look up I notice that Mystery Girl is gone and I well couldn’t control myself and I ended up shouting “ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS!?” which got me sitting in the damn office for two fucking periods trying to explain why I shouted such ‘vulgar’ words so early in the damn morning.

After explaining to the Headmaster, I was finally released from being held against my will and now I’m known as ‘Crazy Boy Johnson’ fan-fuckin-tastic.

As I’m walking to my third period, I see Mr. Fucking Perfect tryna force himself on my lil sis, this motherfucker is going to fuckin die now! As im walking towards them I hear my sister’s pleas to leave her but he refuses to let her go.

Me being me doesn’t think of going in stealth mode instead I go in shouting “GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM MY SISTER!!!”

By judging from the expression on his stupid face he’s shocked which allowed me to land a clean blow on his jaw, which resulted in his crew full of bitches to grab me and go on an all out attack on me, yay. I hear Fisher saying to Lexi “If you want me to tell them to stop, just sleep with me.” This caused me to flip even more and go rage fucking mode on these fuckers. I pushed two of them away as I stood up and gave one a punch straight into the damn apple. ‘That could keep him down until I’m done with these douche bags.’ I smirked at them but the next thing I saw was both of them knocked out, I looked at the two who is grinning widely which is Gaz and Yuri, I grinned back at them and threw my glasses at Gaz and mumbled “Hold ‘em for me a’ight”.

As I turned my attention to Fisher I saw him pull out a knife and held it to Lexi’s neck, which stopped me dead in my tracks. Fucking dick.

“If you want to cause no harm to your sister just let me stab you instead.” He smirked.

“Sure, you can kill me too for all I care, just leave Alexis alone”. I replied in a bored tone.

“A-are you serious.”

Perfect he’s hesitating, I launched myself forward and ripped Lexi away from him which was not a good idea because I started to feel a pain in my stomach. I looked down and I noticed that he stabbed me awesome. My vision is starting to fade which can only mean that I’m about to faint. Damn it! The last thing I heard was Lexi shouting my name then it was all quiet and black.

A/N: Yo, I know that fighting scene is not good but it’s my first time doing something like that so if it’s not any good my bad.    

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