Chapter 4

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A/N. Firstly I would like to apologize for not updating. I was somehow kicked out of the Wi-Fi therefore I was unable to update

Anyway on with the story :D.


A Month Later

Ever since Alexis found out about my ‘problem’ she refused to let me out of her sight and the worst part is that she forced me to stay in hospital even though I feel fine. She kept on saying some shit like “It’s for your own well being.” And yet there’s nothing wrong with me besides the fact that I need tablets to function fully and properly! I mean it’s not like I’ma die on her, I’m too damn stubborn to die and leave her alone! But I can’t exactly blame her for worrying since I’m probably all that she has right now, but she really doesn’t have to worry about me much though, cause its kinda really irritating.

Today’s my first day back at school after a month. Damn. I never thought that I would have missed school this much which is kinda hilarious considering how much I hated school last year. Hehe I’m really a weird one.

As I’m walk through the familiar hallways of the school I see Gaz and Yuri running towards me which clearly means that someone is chasing them and I’m gonna get dragged in whatever the hell they did. I thought with a sigh.

“ERIK TURN THE HELL AROUND AND RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!!” I hear Gaz shouting. Why though?

“Why exactly should I, I mean I literally just came back to school!” I decided to shout back.

“JUST FUCKING RUN YOU FUCKING NERD!!!” Yuri yelled well more like screeched. I think I might be deaf because if that loud as fuck shout or whatever the fuck it is. I swear that guy fucking irritates me so fucking much.

Oh yeah I forgot Yuri is …well not exactly my friend but we don’t exactly like each other so I’m not sure what the hell we are, you know, if we friends or not besides we never get along, well besides on the basketball court. When the we play together we are in totally in sync, well even if he don’t consider me a friend I still consider him as one, well kinda.

“START MOVING NERD!!” I hear Yuri as I’m snapped out of my thoughts. Oh yeah, they told me to run, which I clearly did not do until I saw our new manager chasing them since our old one is in hospital which if I remember correctly is in hospital at the moment. And you won’t believe who our new manager is, yeah you guessed right it’s Emilia. Which is bullshit!! Don’t get me wrong I don’t dislike Emilia or anything it’s just that now that she’s manager she’ll tell Lexi EVERYTHING I do at practice!

“STOP RUNNING AND LISTEN TO ME DAMNIT! Emilia yells. I deiced at that moment to turn the hell around and start running but then I heard.“AND ERIK I SEE YOU DON’T YOU DARE RUN FROM ME!”

No way in hell am I running now that she saw me so I decided to at least tackle one of them which I ended up failing at doing since Gaz decided to be a dick and dodged me the moment I leapt at him which then I ended up flying over the mini wall face-first on the ground.

“Gaz you dick! Why the hell did you dodge?” I shouted angrily at him while keeping my now bleeding nose.

“What the hell do you mean ‘why the hell did you dodge’!? You were going to jump me you fuckin’ dumbass?

“Well you should’ve let me!”

“No way in hell would I let you! Wait you fucking my wasting time here!” He yelled in frustration as he and Yuri took off. Fucking idiot realized it now only I chuckled.

As I’m stand up I start dusting the invisible dirt off my pants and shirt and I looked around for my glasses I find it broken, on the floor… crapbaskets Lexi ain’t go be happy ‘bout this I sighed.

“Erik are you okay?” Emilia asks as she rushers to me.

“Y-yeah I’m okay.” Damn it Erik stop stuttering when you see her for fucks sake!

“Are you sure you okay? Your cheeks are kinda red. She says as she puts her index finger to her pink plump lips and tilts her head a cute which looks so fucking cute!!

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! I’m blushing and why the hell does she look at me like that!!! She looks so fucking cute right now! I did it again! FUCK!!!! God damnit Erik calm your fucking heart down I swear you acting like you like this girl or something. Well I mean I do like her but not in that way! God damn it!!!! I need to get my head clear.

“Erik, hey Erik are you listening to me?”

“H-huh. I’m sorry Emilia did yea say something?”

“Yes you idiot I asked you if you are sure you are okay since, well your nose still hasn’t stop bleeding and I’m a bit worried right now”

“Seriously!?” I shouted feeling my nose and its actually still bleeding. “God damn it! Lia please don’t tell Lexi about this, please.” I decided to plea as I clapped my hands together over hers.

“Y-y-yeah s-sure I wo-won’t say a wo-word.” She stutters and takes off. “D-don’t forget of pra-practice!”

I stood there looking like an idiot because I’m confused. Did I do something wrong or what? I swear girls are so confusing I sighed. Well anyway off to practice, but first gotta that two idiots. Damn it to think they ran from a girl, they gotta in insane. I chuckled as I took off to find them. But first I need to tend to my bloody nose.

As I’m walking through the hallways of the school to head to the nurse’s room I manage to take note of all the drawings on the wall since the hallway was empty. If I think about we might just have a headmaster who is or was obsessed with anime, I chuckled to myself thinking about how he would spend he’s time with his family since the entire school is just full of drawings of different mainstream anime.
I ain’t go lie though the way these paintings were painted, these guys are really talented like damn I thought I was good but these guys are just so much damn better than I will ever be like damn. Oh hey I’m here by the nurse’s room again. I wonder what insult will the old lady throw at me this time, I sighed as I walked through the door.

“Hey Granny!” I grinned.

“Stop calling me that brat.”

“I’ll stop if you stop.”

“There’s no way in hell I’m going to stop call you a brat because that’s exactly what you are and what the hell happened to you?”

“Gee Granny you mean.” I pouted or at least attempted to. “Oh and this” I said pointing to my nose “is from trying to jump Gaz cause he and Yuri were trying to escape practice, but Gaz decided to be an idiot and he dodged me which resulted in me falling face-first to the ground.” I grinned.

“You know Kid you really crack me up.” Granny laughed at me.

“Yeah yeah whatever just fix me nose please cause I kinda need to go to practice”

“First thing in the morning you guys are practicing?”

“Yeah, apparently so, Lia told me herself.”

“Okay then come here so I can inspect your nose.”

“Yosh.” I went to Granny as she inspected my nose.

5 min later

“Thanks Granny!” I yelled as I left the nurse’s room.

A’ight time for practice. Now so let’s go and beat Fisher on my first day back!

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