1) How?

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A/N. Hey, this is my first story and I'm not very good at writing. So I hope you guys don't mind. And the character is my own. So have fun.



Luna POV:

Wow. I feel really dizzy right now. What the heck happend? And where am I? It is Windy, so I am sure I'm outside, but where? Looking around and trying to find something in this dark place. Something that can help me right now and luck is on my side today. My backpack is right in front of me. Taking the backpack and searching after something that can help me. All the things I pack to school is here. And luckily my phone is there. Open up my phone and start the flashlight to look around. The first think to see, is a yellow car? And there is nobody inside the car. Looking more around, I found more cars and a truck. I am not good to car, so I have no idea about what car there are, but I can say that one is green. One is black, with blue at the bottom. The yellow car has some black fast stripe. There is also a military black car and the last one is a truck with blue and red flames on it. It does not make any sense at all. I decide to look at the green car and find some clue. I'm pretty sure that these are autobots, but that is impossible because they only from movies. 

Like the yellow car, ther is no drivers. The door is unlocked. The car is pretty on the inside and have some really god leather seat. Running my hands on the steering wheel, I saw the clue I was looking for. Getting out of the car, I look over all the cars there are. One name out of the other is coming back in my mind. I point the light on each car there is.

''Crosshairs, Drift, Hound, Bumblebee and Optimus prime!'' I Mumble. The cars began to transform and I was in the middel of it. They finish transforming and I'm right. They are all Autobots. But it can be real. This must be a dream.

''This little human now us. Shall I kill her?'' Says Crosshairs. He took out his gun and pointing at me with it. I got scared at took a few steps back.

''No Crosshairs. We are here to find the energy source there are here, but I have a feeling that we already have found it.'' Says Optimus and looking at me. I have no idea about, what they are talking about. 

''This little can't be the source we are looking after, but after that light show and she come out of the light, you can be right Prime.'' Says Hound. Light show, what light show. Looking at the Autobots to get some answer.

''It will be wise to tell her what happend. It looks like she does't know what happend.'' Says Drift, looking at my question full face. Optimus took one more step closer and kneeled down to look at me in the face.

''Do you know what happend?'' Ask Optimus. 

''To be honest, I have no idea. All I can remember is, I was in my room and packing my stuff for school, but the next thing that happend is blurred. I don't remember.'' I have no idea where I am or how it happend, but i remember something and look down at my cloths. I'm in my black pajamas with pink and red hearts on. It's a little embarrassing, but I'm lucky I'm not naked.

''We have no idea either about, how you came here, but we where looking for an energy source. That energy is connected to our home planet Cybertron. There was a storm when we arrived here. Lightning and thunder was everywhere, and when it was over, you lay on the ground unconscious. I believe you are the energy source we are looking after.'' Says Optimus. I still don't get it how it happend, but I got some answer. I was about to say something, but there is coming a new storm soon and I was only in pajamas and there is cold out here. I began to shiver a lot. A cold wind blew at me. Optimus saw me. ''Autobots, transform and roll out, and Bumblebee, you are taking the girl with you.'' Says Optimus and looking at Bumblebee.

''My name is Luna. Luna Legend.'' I says. I know there names, so they should now mines too. The Autobots transform to there vehicle mode. Bumblebee open his passenger seat for me. I got in with my backpack and the seatbelt locked itself, and we began to drive out of the forest we apparently where. I began to shiver again.

''Are you okay?'' Ask Bumblebee out of the radio.

''Yeah, it just cold in here, that's all.'' I says back. Bumblebee turn on the heat in the car. I relax a bit and yawn.

''Go to... sleep... you need your energy... for tomorow.'' Says Bumblebee through the radio. Following he's idea, I close my eye and trying to get some sleep.

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