26) Speech

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3rd POV

Two days has it been since the autobots got Luna out of Queen-beast hands. Luna woke up the next day, couching and sneezing. The medicine from Cogman help a lot and she is alright now. Optimus have been outside most of the time, thinking about what they shall do now, and how to keep his autobots save. For the time they have been in the castle, has it rained most of the time and today is there a thunder storm on its way. 

''Follow the light.'' Command Ratchet as he check Luna's condition. Her eyes look to the right, then left. ''You have been healing great and can be dismissed.'' Ratchet give Luna her phone back and she turn the flash light off. They walk out of the bedroom and into the big halls. The others have visit Luna while she have been on the bed, but Luna sleep most of the time.

''Hey guys.'' Says Luna as her and Ratchet walk into the living room. The triplets are sitting on the couch, doing each others hair, and the twins are playing card at the table. The others are just relaxing.

''Hello sweetspark. You are feeling well?'' Ask Arcee. Luna nodded and sit down next to Jolt on the floor. Luna look around to the autobots to find one missing.

''Where is Optimus?'' Ask Luna

''He has been outside sometime now.'' Says Jazz as he sit beside Luna.

''Can I go talk to him?'' Ask Luna again.

''He want to be alone.'' Says Wheelie, but Luna ignored him and stand up.

''And so. He need to know I am alright now.'' Says Luna. She walk over to the door and walk through the hallways in this big castle.

''Where are you going my lady?'' Ask Cogman as Luna pass him. She turn around to the robot.

''I just want to see Optimus. Do you know where he is?'' Ask Luna polite and smile.

''Yes follow me.'' Says Cogman. They walk down some stairs to the entrance to the garden. ''It is a little cold and it is raining. We don't want you to get a cold.'' Cogman takes a jacket and put it on Luna. It is good anyway, because she only have her blank pajamas with red and pink hearts on. Embarrassing. 

Luna POV

I open the door to see Optimus inside the gardens veranda. I followed the stone path and come inside.

''Hey Optimus. I am officially dismissed and ready to take down the decepticons.'' I said and sit next to him on the wooden leaning chair. A blink light comes for a second, then a big thunderous boom.

''I am so sorry for bringing you into this.'' Says Optimus as he look away from me.

''You don't have to.'' I calmly says.

''You are a human girl. You shouldn't be in this war. The primes may thing you can do it, but this is just to dangerous for someone like you.'' Start Optimus and he look right at me. ''You are a sweet and kind girl. Someone like you shouldn't be in a war, but helping others and live.'' Ended Optimus. I giggle a little and look out side and spot a lightning in to sky.

''I am a girl, but not like any other girls. I don't wear, or even like, make-up. I still don't understand why girls will always hangout at the malls and even what boring romantic movies. I am a completely opposite of them. I like to play video games, watch action films and even have fun at an amusing park.'' I look back to Optimus. ''And I am the luckiest girl ever. I meet you guys. I have a big adventure I never thought would happen in my life. Even it is dangerous, I finally found something I can do. I can revive your planet and I really wan't this war to end. I have never ever been a fan of wars. I think it is stupid and dump. Everything can solves with conversation and not by killing to get want you wanted. You end up missing does you love and you would never get it back. Why even try?'' I finish and stand up.

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