His life, Her Life~15

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I was editing some stuff for work while Luke took a shower. We had planned to have a nice calm day together and maybe get some dinner later tonight. I was going to convince him to get it to go so we could come home and eat it in bed. I knew he would say yes I just had to give him something in return. He loved to eat out, I loved to eat in. 

Luke's voice floated through the apartment while he sang and it was a beautiful sound to listen to, but the pounding on the door ruined the moment. I sighed as I got up and went to the door. I hesitated to open it. The pounding sounded as if someone was going to shoot me when I answered the door. I opened the door to find my mother.

"Hey. What are you doing here?" I asked as she shoved past me and entered the apartment. 

"I'm divorcing your father." She answered as she spun around looking at me. I was a little shocked because 1) she drove all the way from Massachusetts to tell me and 2) I never expected her to divorce him. 

"What?" I asked shaking my head. I was more than confused. 

"Yup. Found him cheating. Sleeping with some 20 something year old hooker!" She shouted and I placed my pointing finger and thumb against my nose. 

"Please don't shout. Other people live in this apartment building." I told her. I didn't need the neighbors complaining. 

"I'm sorry." She said sighing and sitting down. "Who else is here?" She questioned clearly hearing Luke singing. 

"My boyfriend, Luke." I went to the kitchen to get us both a cup of coffee. 

"You're still together?" I nodded. "How long?" 

"7 months." I didn't think that we would be together for this long. I figured that we would have sex a few times, get bored with each other, and leave. But for some reason I had fallen in love with him and I would gladly stay with him for the rest of my life. "We're enjoying life right now." I added and it was true. Yes we got into fights, but what couple doesn't? 

"So its going good?" I nodded smiling. 

"I should go warn him that you're here so he doesn't come out here naked." I said standing up and placing my cup down. I rushed to the bedroom closing the door behind me turning to find Luke with a towel around his waist and another thrown over his shoulder. He was humming and looking through the pile of clothes that he kept in my dresser. "My mom is here." I said and he looked at him. 


"My mom. She's here. Apparently she's divorcing my father." I sat on the bed watching him get dressed. 


"He's cheating on her." I never understood why people cheated. There was no point in it. If you weren't happy in your relationship, just leave.

"Are you okay?" He asked. It wasn't like I was going to be affected by this. I wasn't really close with either of my parents and it's not like I'm living at home where they're going to be arguing and trying to get me to pick a side. 

"Yeah, I'm fine." He gave a look saying that he wasn't convinced. "Listen, I rarely see my parents and when I do, there is always some type of drama surrounding it. I don't really have a relationship with my father. He was mean to me growing up. He did some screwed up stuff. I really don't care. I just don't want my mother to be homeless." My father did some things that I would never be able to forgive him for. 

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