Moving In~30

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I was one week away from living with Luke full time and I was no where near packed and ready to go to live with him. So here we were, at nearly 2 in the morning, emptying out my closet and dresser. 

"Don't touch that. I'll do that." I said to him and he looked at me before he opened the box. "What did I say?! You're like a two year old." 

"Well well well, Miss. Davis what do we have here?" He asked holding up a vibrator and looking at all of the other sex toys I had. 

"Would you please?" I sighed taking it from him and putting it back. 

"You really thought you were going to be able to keep this from me?" He asked. 

"You never asked me if I had any of them. I wasn't planning to tell you unless you asked." I shrugged folding towels into a box. 

"Can we use them sometime?" 

"Whatever you want." I answered. Now take that box of books downstairs." Luke wanted to hire people to help me move but I couldn't afford that and there was no way in hell that I was going to let him pay for it. I almost offered my apartment to my mom since I would be splitting the cost of Luke's place with him and would most likely be able to afford to help my mom pay for it. She claimed she was fine where she was. 

He came back in the room with a piece of pizza after putting the box in my car. 

"Don't have much more room so we should pack the stuff that can be squished. Also, my brother is coming to stay with us in a few days." 

"The first days that we're going to be living together we won't be alone?" I questioned. 

"I thought you wanted to re-do the bathroom? I got permission to do it." 

"I do." I answered. 

"Well he's doing it." He commented. I looked at him. I wasn't sure if that was what Ben did for a living and I was worried he would mess it up. "He's a contractor. He'll get his guys to do whatever we want and he said he'll send in an interior designer to help us decorate it." 

"Oh. Okay yeah." I smiled getting up and moved to sit on his lap. "I'm very excited to live with you." I kissed him. 

"I'm excited to live with you. And I got a surprise for you at my place." He smiled looking at me. 

"What is it?"

 "You'll have to wait and see." He smirked laying me on the bed kissing me. "And you're gonna love it." I smiled and wrapped my legs and arms around him as he sat up and took me with him. "You're hurting me." I let go and fell to the bed apologizing and he leaned down and kissed me. "I love you anyway." 

"I love you more." I smiled sitting up and glancing around the almost empty room. I had already gotten my dresser over to Luke's and it was in his guest bedroom waiting for to put the draws back in and put my clothes back into it. I still had most of my clothes here but were packed away. 

The closets were empty of everything and either I threw things away or packed them away and put them in a box in my car. The fridge was also empty so we were eating takeout for the last few days and I knew by the end of this week that I was going to gain so much wait, even more than I already have since being with Luke. I always had a bigger belly than I wanted even before being with Luke but getting with him and always eating out and eating junk didn't help. 

"What are you thinking about?" He questioned. 

"About how I think we should start eating healthier." Luke had always eaten healthy and sometimes would eat junk food with me. 

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