Chapter 9: I've Got a Question

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Here's chapter 9 for you! Hope you enjoy :))



You know that feeling people say you get when you kiss someone and it's right. It's like there are fireworks spreading through out your body at one time. Now multiply that by ten, even one hundred maybe. That's the way I'm feeling right now. My heart felt like it was racing a million miles a second. If I wasn't already kissing him right now I'd probably be all over him wanting another one.

The way our lips molded like one. It was like two puzzle pieces that fit together perfectly. I made a bold move and pushed Niall back onto his chair. I followed while still kissing him and sat on his lap. My hands snuck their way up around his neck and into his hair. I tugged on it a bit, causing a groan of approval to escape from his mouth. I smirked against his lips and tugged again a little harder. His groan was louder, which made me feel a bit proud of myself.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me harder. After another couple of seconds of kissing I felt his tongue slide across my lower lip. I happily granted him access and opened my mouth. Our tongues met and this time I was the one to let out a small groan. I felt him smirk against my lips. Smug bastard. There's no way I'm letting him be the one in control.

I pressed against him and he let out a moan and I smirked. Check and mate. I win. After what felt like hours, he started squeezing my hips and I knew things would be getting out of hand soon so I began to pull away. I could tell Niall was confused because he let out a small sound and tried to follow. I shook my head and stood up from his lap kind of dazed. I was a little breathless from this episode that just happened.

"Why'd you stop?" Niall asked me his lips red and puffy from kissing. His cheeks were a little rosy too. I probably looked just the same as him. I shrugged before answering. "We shouldn't have done that." He looked at me confused. "But weren't you enjoying that? Because I know I was." He answered back truthfully causing me to blush a little bit. I cleared my throat and tried to calm down. "Well yeah I was but Niall you have a girlfriend I can't do this."

He shook his head. "No Morgan has been getting on my nerves for such a long time now I don't care about her anymore, I care about you." He tried to fight but I couldn't agree even though those four words made my heart flutter. "You're still with her though." I stated back a little sadly. He looked at me with a frown on his face. "But it doesn't mean anything to me Ally." He replied while grabbing my hand. God there he went with that damn nickname again. And that face he looked so sincere. No Alison stay strong.

"I'm sorry Niall," I began dropping his hand. "I can't do this with you if you guys are still a couple." I said while air quoting the word couple. He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. "Alright I understand." He said back slowly and nodded his head. "Why don't we get to studying?" He asked changing the subject. I smiled and agreed. We both grabbed our bag and sat back down.

"So really it shouldn't be that bad you just have to remember when you read log that you know what base it is." He finished and pointed to a problem in the math book he brought. "Oh wow that's easier than I thought." I answered back. It wasn't that hard and I was surprised I got it so easily. He smiled at me. "Alright try number seventy eight by yourself." I nodded and wrote the problem down getting to work.

"Is it 1.141?" I asked after I finished the problem. I heard him cheer a little while putting his hand up for a high five. "Yeah good job!" He laughed and I brought my hand up to his. We high fived but our hands stayed pressed together longer than usual. I stared at our hands for a moment noticing how big his hands were compared to mine. Damn my hands really were small. His laughter died down and we were both quiet.

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