Chapter 1 - Expelled!

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"Ah Russo, pull up a stump and zip it

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"Ah Russo, pull up a stump and zip it." Mr. Laritate, an overweight bald man with an obsession with Cowboys ordered. Alex sighed, tossing her bag into the chair halfheartedly before sitting in the chair, legs crossed as she looked around the room.

"What's this about Mr Laritate another detention cause I got couches to see and people to laugh at." Alex told him, bored.

"This isn't a Detention Miss Russo

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"This isn't a Detention Miss Russo." He replied. "It's an expulsion."

"Are you asking me to blow up something Mr. Laritate cause I'll do it." Alex said with enthusiasm that would scare him if it wasn't known that Alex loves blowing up things.

"Not explosion Miss Russo." He said, shaking his head in despair. "Expulsion." Alex's shoulders slumped down, visibly sad that she wouldn't get to blow anything up.

"You know every time you say 'Expulsion' it's like you think I know what it means and you just keep saying and all I'm really hearing is explosion, so." Alex got up, grabbing her bag. "Good talk, can't wait to have it tomorrow where you'll give me another detention." She was nearly out the door when Mr. Laritate told her to stop and she groaned in annoyance.

"Miss Russo your being expelled." He told her and she snapped her head round, before laughing.

"That was a good one Mr. Laritate." She said wiping the tears from her eyes. "See you tomorrow."

"I wish I was joking Miss Russo but the board of governors want you out." He explained. "I pleaded your case to them to not let you go but they forced my hand, you are no longer at Tribeca Preparatory." Alex looked at the seriousness on his face and she faltered, going back to her seat.

"If this means what I think it means does that mean you called my parents." She said fearfully, not for her father but her mother. She was known to be temperamental, especially when Alex did something wrong or against the rules and this topped the cake.

"Jerry I told you not to get that hot dog." Alex grimaced, sliding down her chair so that she wouldn't be seen as she heard her mother's voice.

"Why would you not pick up a perfectly good hot dog?" She heard her father, Jerry reply.

"Because it was on the side of the road. Who knows where that's been?" Theresa said as they entered the office and she froze.

"Just because you are frozen Miss Russo doesn't mean we can't see you." Mr. Laritate said but Alex didn't move.

"What's this about Headmaster? What she done this time that deserves detention." Theresa said as she sat down next to her 'frozen' daughter.

"This is far from detention Mrs. Russo." Mr. Laritate said grimily. "Alex's has been expelled."

"Expelled!" Theresa repeated as she glared at her daughter who shrunk a little further. "Can't she do community service or something that will teach her a lesson?"

"I'm sorry Mrs. Russo but the board forced my hand, Alex has had many chances and blowing up the lockers was the last straw." He explained and Jerry chuckled.

"Blowing up the lockers, classic." He said and Alex joined in, turning round with a grin as she laughed but it was cut off when they got a pointed look from Theresa. "Sorry, can't she just do community service? I feel like that would learn her lesson."

"No offence Mr. Russo but we all know that Ms. Finkle will be the one to do the community service while Alex watches." He said and Alex nodded.

"That's true, I don't like doing anything that resolves around work." Alex commented. "Well if that's all you need from me, I'll be going." She grabbed her bag and put it over her shoulder. "So long Mr. Laritate, it's been a good ride." She bowed her head as if she had a cowboy hat on her head and the Headmaster did the same, completely serious as Alex did it for a joke.

She walked out into the hall, looking at all the destroyed lockers but her own as her mother marched out, a look on her face which Alex gets regularly when she gets in trouble. "You are in a lot of trouble missy." She said, index finger pointing at her as Alex rolled her eyes, hearing this all before as she got her wand out of her boot and swished it upwards. Teleporting them to their living room. "Ah." Theresa groaned, holding her head in her hands as the other Russo's looked unbothered. "I hate magic." She grumbled as she stood up straighter, hands on her hips as she looked sternly at her daughter.

"This has crossed the line Alex Russo, expelled from school. What are you going to do in the future now?" She asked and Alex shrugged.

"I don't know but right now, I'm going to see what's on TV." She headed straight for the couch when Jerry grabbed her.

"Uh uh, we are talking about this." He demanded and Alex lifted her finger, moving it from side to side, then up and down. This repeated for a few minutes before Theresa snapped him out of it.


"Heard Alex was expelled." Came a voice from the stairs and Alex groaned as her older brother came down the stairs. "See this is what I was talking about, Alex has finally got what was coming to her and now I'll be able to live the last years of high school in peace."

"And that's why I am sending you off to Beacon Hills California to live with the Argents so that you can finish the rest of your high school along with your brother's and Harper." Theresa explained and everyone looked at her.

"I am?" Alex said.

"They are?" Jerry asked, new to this information.

"Why!?" Justin whined, going on to his knees as if it was the end of the world.

"Because it seems like the best place to be right now, with Alex being expelled and Justin you'll be there to keep her out of trouble." Theresa explained and Jerry looked at her.

"By why are you sending Harper? She makes all the good food and she isn't annoying like our children." The last bit came out in a murmur but they all heard it. Jerry looked away when he saw the offended looks on his children.

"Because she'll help keep Alex in line that's why." Theresa replied.

"But what about our lessons?" Justin questioned. "The lair will be here and we'll be in California."

"I'll have to make a request to move it to the argents house, I'm sure they'll understand the predicament we've been put in by Alex." Jerry explained, walking off to do just that.

"Who are they argents?" Alex questioned.

"You don't remember?" Theresa asked and Alex shook her head. "They have a daughter about your age, Allison. You used to be friends with her."

"I did?"

"Alex had friends other than Harper?" Justin teased and Alex looked at him, before shoving him to the ground.

"Geek." She muttered as she went up the stairs to her room to pack. She stopped, laughing, shaking her head as she entered her messy room. "Pack." She laughed again. "Harper! I need your help!" she shouted.


I decided to start this because they're aren't many Alex Russo/ Stiles Stilinski fanfics and I love them both to be honest, I hope you enjoy xx

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