Chapter 8 - I don't do P.E

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"I don't want to go

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"I don't want to go." Alex complained as she was dragged down the corridor by Harper, her feet dragging into the ground.

"You have to." Harper told her, rolling her eyes.

"No I don't, if I didn't do it in New York then I certainly don't need to do it here." Alex replied, getting out her grasps, she silently cheered, turning round only to knock into somebody's chest. She blinked, looking up only to see Stiles looking back down at her. "Move." She ordered, trying to pass him, only for him to stand in her way, she sighed tiredly. "Can we please not do this where we go back and forth until I distract you so I can get past?"

"Yeah we can do that." Stiles said nodding, and Alex noticed Lydia, Allison, Scott, and Justin behind him. Alex grinned, going to move past them only for Stiles to grab her waist and throw her over onto his shoulder. She shrieked in horror. "Stiles! Put me down." She whacked his back with her hands, trying to wiggle his way out of his grasps but he was surprisingly strong. "I don't do P.E" She whined, going limp in his arms, giving up with escaping. She noticed the smirks from the rest of the 'gang' and gave them a death glare. Scott immediately stopped along with Justin, knowing Alex would probably prank them into oblivion.

The girls on the other hand shared a knowing look between the three and giggled

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The girls on the other hand shared a knowing look between the three and giggled. Alex rolled her eyes at their antics, ignoring them as she felt Stiles' hands on the backs of her thighs. She tried to ignore the familiar feeling rising up in her stomach, the last time she felt something like that was when she dated Dean and he left. She was snapped out of her trance when her feet met the ground, she stumbled only for Stiles' to catch her. She breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank you." She whispered before she shook her head, why is she saying thank you? She's never thanked anyone, except for her mother because she gave birth to the amazing child that is her. Which of course got eye rolls from her entire family but she hasn't even thanked harper. This boy is making me nice......I don't like it.

"No problem." Stiles returned with a smile, Alex cleared her throat, standing up straight and retreating into the gym. "Alex the changing rooms that way." Stiles shouted and she turned to see him point the opposite way she was going, where Lydia, Allison and Harper were heading. She snorted shaking her head as she gave them an 'are you serious' look. One Justin was all too familiar with.

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