The beginning

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    The year is 3017, human life is on the brink of extinction. Back in 2090, a war broke out. We... the survivors and those who were born into it, call it the "Grand World War". It was between the major countries of Earth. No one really talks about what started it, at least the adults don't. So us kids don't understand what happened. After the United States and the other countries sent off multiple nuclear bombs at the same time, it wiped out most of humanity. Population went from 11,000,000,000 to about 100,000 left. Supplies were scarce and still are, it's hard to be alive at this moment. That isn't the only thing that we need to worry about, I like several other children gained supernatural powers after we were born. Some friends of mine in my small village have special powers, like wielding ice or lightning. No one else has the same ability as another, we are like snowflakes... Unique. My special ability is controlling all matter. I can basically make anything happen. This power has made my family and I very rich in this world. I can basically make food come out of thin air. Yep I'm pretty awesome for being only 12. Oh yeah I didn't introduce myself, I'm Mat. I have two great friends, Isac and leslie. Isac can control Ice and he's only 10 and Leslie is 14 and has lightning powers.

    Lately there has been many reports throughout Earth, that there is some things... doing horrible things to the kids that has these powers. Supposedly there is 15 Knights that go by the "Midnight Knights", but most people are just calling them the "Mid Knights". They only come out at night and attack the special kids. Apparently the are clouded in Dark blue clothing and can't see an inch of skin, they have very distinguished mask, each different. They have powers also, but they are all the same. They manifest neon blue light into weapons. Each has their own weapon. They sound really scary, I don't think I'll be able to handle it. Maybe Isac and Leslie will be able to, hey have combat skills. I just make things that break after a while. Except for food, I'm really good at making that. I am working on my skills though, the longest I can hold anything is about two days. I am also getting really quick at conjuring objects. It takes me 5 seconds to make a adult skeleton.

One month later...
Leslie, Isac, and I were hanging outside in our makeshift playground. We three were the only kids in our area with powers and we were always getting attention, but tonight was different. It was quiet, you can hear a penny drop. We started wondering what was wrong. I was starting to feel uneasy. That's when it happened. We heard the first scream. Then we heard screaming all over the place. We were so shocked, we couldn't move. We were frozen. We heard behind us "Right there, there they are just let me live". My dad had said. His voice woke me in my trance like state, I turned around and saw what seemed like a goliath, holding my dad by his neck. The goliath said "Thanks" and with that my father's neck was snapped in an instant. He dropped my dad to the floor and I couldn't do anything. I looked up and saw it, I had remembered the stories. It all hit me like a truck. He is apart of the Mid Knights. This goliath started walking towards us, he had a big lunge in his step, he was bulky like... well like a boulder. He had a dark blue clothing on him. It was very tight on his frame. His make resembled a gorilla, I've seen pictures and heard stories on them. He halted to a complete stop. At this point he was about 50 feet in front of us. He held out his hand, and a sword appeared out of his hand, it was bright blue. The sword was the size of him. Isac and Leslie moved in front of me and told me that they will protect me. All I could do was stand back and hopefully they can take care of it.

Isac had frozen the knights feet to the ground. Still the knight remained motionless. Then he tilted his head up, and moved his foot and broke the ice easily. Isac was shocked that his ice didn't hold. And then the most horrific thing happened. The knight pushed off the ground at an extreme speed. Slice. The only sound I heard. Then the body with no head fell to the ground. Isac's body. Leslie quickly reacted and made a thunder-wave. It had paralyzed the knight. I fell to the floor. I was sobbing uncontrollably. Leslie quickly ran to me and told me we had to leave. And that's just what we did, we ran. We ran for our lives, fearing we will get caught. As we ran we ended up in a dark and creepy forest. We stopped and turned around, we saw that he was still there. Then something strange happened, we couldn't see well so I made us binoculars. We used them and we saw him, deflating. In an instant he disappeared. We were finally relieved that he was gone. But what now, the knights know about Leslie's ability. I started to walk forward. I had realized that Leslie wasn't with me. I turned around and saw three knives in her. Ine in her head, one in her neck, and one in her chest. All in a line. Then another knight walked behind the tree Leslie was leaning on. The knives were made of the same stuff the other knights sword was made of. This knight had the form of a lady, her mask resembled a tiger, and she was about average height. I was stiff. She spoke, and it made me jump. She said "What a waste of a kill, she was so boring". I was immediately filled with rage and sadness. I held out my hands in front of me where she can see my palms. I conjured roots from the ground and wrapped her up. Making it impossible for her to move. I then made the roots grow thorns, when they dug into the knights she let out a yelp. But I wasn't done. She got her hand free and made a new knife and threw it at me. I quickly deflected it with a shield I had made instantly. I had conjured a boulder the size of one of the village homes above her and let it drop. It had killed her instantly.

I walked over to the boulder. I put my hand on it and disintegrated it. All that was left was her mask. I looked at it and knew what my goal will be, avenge Isac and Leslie, and anyone else that has been harmed or killed by these knights. I materialized a backpack and grabbed the mask and put it in. I walked toward Leslie and used my powers to lift the small piece of Earth around her. I walked back to the village and made my way to Isac's body. I set Leslie down and lowered their bodies into the Earth. I covered them and made grave stones appear. I made flowers pop out of thin air and placed it on top of their graves.

2 weeks later...
It has been hard living on my own, I am constantly reminded that my dearest friends had died. I still keep their little pendants they wear with me. I think on that day, I tapped into my potential, my backpack has not disappeared since I made it. No activities has been shown with the Mid Knights since that night. I am fully able to create living animals at this point. I made a giant barn owl that has been flying me around. I am still not able to create people yet. At this moment I am setting up my camp for the night, I am near a river... I don't know where exactly, I think I am up north it is very cold out. Thank God I can make myself big blankets and a fire. I made myself a cooked boar, and I ate on that for dinner. As the day sky fell to dark, I was completely tired. I decided to make myself a small bed in a tent. There is where I had drifted off and let my dreams take me away.

Suddenly I was woken up with a loud crash. I quickly left outside the tent, grabbing my bag in the progress. Crash. Again I looked over and saw trees were getting taken down. I ran into the forest. As I ran in the forest all I can hear is someone running and girlish giggling. I looked all around and couldn't see a thing. I then looked up and there she was. Another knight. She had a bright blue battle axe. She was wearing a dark blue robe and pointy boots, she had on bandages around her arms and hands. Her mask resembled a hyena. She came down with her axe ready to cut me. I quickly jumped to my left avoiding the blow. I looked over and her axe had made a deep crack in the Earth's surface. She looked over at me and giggled again. Then something got both of our attention, 5 guys appeared in each direction, each guy was the same. They started fighting her and she wasn't able to retrieve her axe from the ground. Then something grabbed me, it was the guy that had the same face as the other 5. He tried to drag me with him, but I stopped him. I told him I won't let this opportunity leave me, I'm going to kill all knights. I pushed him aside and started to walk hesitantly toward her. She had just destroyed the last clone and ripped her axe out of the ground. She then pointed it to me, although I couldn't see a face, I knew she was smiling... maniacally. That's when I held my hands up and I changed the matter above her into a cross shape spewing lava. It made such a beautiful warm light that cut through the darkness, far more so than her axe. I can tell the look on her face disappeared as she jumped away from the lava. Behind me I made spikes out of rock, then changed the material to the strongest steal I can make. I conjured the most famous sword of legends... Excalibur. It was shiny gold laced with blue, the length was bigger than me. I ran at her, reading my sword. Just as I thought, when I swung the sword she had leaped behind me. She carefully landed near the spikes... I got her. I raised a pillar of Earth, and pushed it in her direction. It started to push her back, and I raised the spikes higher. She used her axe and chopped the pillar. She ran towards me at top speeds. I rose the spikes out of the ground and forced them toward her. Her axe was ready to chop me when I rose the roots out of the ground and tied her in her place. All you can hear is silence. Then screams. The spikes went straight through her. I then used the roots to crush her. The axe disappeared. Her mask fell to the ground and the robe disappeared.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2017 ⏰

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